i am alive


i’m done acting like its not obvious women just dont see dylan mulvany as a woman


it’s crazy because people don’t really care until a trans women does it


first it was “i’m just a girl!!” “girl math!!” “explained for the girls” but when a trans woman tries to join in its “being a woman is so hard you don’t know what its like!!!!”… like chill first of all. and secondly, dylan never CLAIMED to speak for every woman ever. she named it after her series which was calls “days of girlhood”!! the song is not called “every single woman everywhere on the face of planet earths girlhood!”. she’s fully transitioned for maybe two years? of course she hasn’t face complete misogyny, one reason being bc a lot of people dont even see her as a woman. 
            mind you, the people complaining that she doesnt speak for all woman cannot speak for other women’s experiences either!! you are not the spokesperson for every woman ever just bc you are a cis woman!! 