
The Kuroshitsuji Watty Awards 2015 voting period is now officially OPEN!
          	We wish the best of luck to all! Without you, we'd be nothing. Thank you so much for your participation!
          	Let this year's competition commence!


If anyone is interested in a smaller key contest (unaffiliated with Watty’s and official Wattpad contests), then please check us out. We have a unlike judging and feedback system that’s 100% run by people and offers ALL participants with insightful feedback. This is our first time hosting and we hope to get a great turn out. We accept books written so far in English, Spanish, French, and Chinese, but we’re hoping to get judges who speak even more languages. Both the judging and participant forms are open! Please consider or tell a friend!


Considering admin likely ditched this account, it seems we won't be getting our results at all this year, even despite the efforts we put into our work— or in fact even bothering to submit entries in the first place, and go through this tedious process for what seems like nothing. I guess the voting was simply too much to handle they happened to open a new BB account and re-start the entire, exact same precedure from there again? Us, the lesser folk, just honestly want our results. We don't want a restart. Or in the least I'm sure a fair bunch of us don't. 
          And who's to say that account won't get abandoned as well?


@naetive if you're referring to the girl who opened a new awards account and posted about it below... 
            That ain't this accounts admin just so you know. 


Due to the inactivity of this account, I have created a new Kuroshitsuji Watty Awards, so click here: @BlackButlerWA
          I own several Watty Awards accounts, so I'm not an inexperienced fellow. :) Feel free to give it a follow to show your support! The accepting of ENTRIES are very near, so keep an eye on!
          ~Jojo(Admin of BBWA)


I really hope everything is alright with you guys, admins and all! I'll be patiently waiting for the results and I won't rush, although I am worried. 
          please be okay! if you're too busy take your time! I appreciate everything you do! Y'all are fabulous!!! 
          so... in the meantime, stay fabulous!


I'm starting to get worried...really...the day for the release of the results had passed for soooo long. This is making me anxious... what happened? Is everyone okay?I hope so.


I guess they have to work together?


But aren't there two admins?


@Kavillen_Ixy thank you for clearing out, I've been worrying about it too much.