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          	Kirby here, with my Eight Chapter Challenge Entrant Complete I have turned my attention to my other projects. In case you missed out, chapters two and three of Destiny Controlled's sequel Destiny Unveiled is live. A new character has been introduced in only name, behold The Crow. He is rumored to be able to cure any supernatural. One would say this sounds too good to be true. Will Sonota and Chris be able to find him?
          	I am working offline on Survivor's Guilt. I'll be heading out of state soon to spend some quality time with a dear friend of mine. Updates may be scarce until I can get a decent amount of it written. I am going to try my best to get as much written as I can before I return for my Fall Semester. It is going to be a doozy.
          	~Kirby Renee~


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          Kirby here, with my Eight Chapter Challenge Entrant Complete I have turned my attention to my other projects. In case you missed out, chapters two and three of Destiny Controlled's sequel Destiny Unveiled is live. A new character has been introduced in only name, behold The Crow. He is rumored to be able to cure any supernatural. One would say this sounds too good to be true. Will Sonota and Chris be able to find him?
          I am working offline on Survivor's Guilt. I'll be heading out of state soon to spend some quality time with a dear friend of mine. Updates may be scarce until I can get a decent amount of it written. I am going to try my best to get as much written as I can before I return for my Fall Semester. It is going to be a doozy.
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Kirby here presenting the Eight Chapter of Finds You Well. A confrontation with Mr. Mammon leaves our Xavier conflicted. He must steel himself in the presence because a friendly reminder shakes him to his core. Can he honor his bargain while keeping our girl safe? Read on to find out!
          This beautiful story has been officially submitted into the 8 Chapter Challenge and I am relieved I was able to complete this during the mentorship.
          Coming Up Next: Chapter Two of Destiny Unveiled
          Stay Tuned folks! Updates are going to become frequent, or at least I hope so.
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Kirby here, coming to you live from a cozy Starbucks. I present Chapters 6 & 7 of Finds You Well. Things are starting to heat up between Aspen and Xavier. These are chapters that you do not want to miss.
          There is one chapter remaining before this piece of fiction is ready for the Eight Chapter Challenge. Once it has been submitted I may place this beautiful fiction on hold to focus on other projects. Already my mind is starting to wander. Which is a dangerous thing for yours truly.
          What shall you expect?
          You'll just have to stay tuned won't you?
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Kirby here, with a BACK-TO-BACK headliner. The second chapter of We Become the Night hit the scene back on Friday and introduces a new character. Please give a warm welcome to Ms. Alivia Pine. She's your average jane trying to make it in a world ruled by the gods. What do we think her significance is? There's only one way to find out.
          Thank you to my followers old and new. Y'all are amazing!
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Kirby here, I have been pretty lax on the announcements recently. I apologize, its been rough over here at the Kirby residence. I present Chapters 2 & 3 of Finds You Well. In the second chapter, we introduce the mysterious Xavier Tale. He's a man with secrets in his past and of course a story to tell.
          In the third chapter I present a familiar face. If you've read Your Silver Bullet and My Sign of Life and yes, even We Become the Night you know him well. He is sassy, he is fab, and he is the perfect character to introduce on the first day of Pride Month. Yes, folks, Sindri Brok has entered the original fiction scene.
          What shall happen next? Well, you obviously have to stay tuned.
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Kirby here, bringing you the pilot chapter of We Become The Night. Rosalind Sylvie returns in the third book of The Black Dahlia Trilogy. I cannot wait to bring this story to life. It is going to be intense.
          Coming Soon:
          Chapter Two of Finds You Well
          Chapter Two of We Become The Night
          Chapter Three of Finds You Well
          Chapter Seven of Survivor's Guilt
          What's next?
          Chapter Two of Destiny Unveiled
          These chapters have already been constructed so I am going to get them prepared for you. With the mentorship program drawing to a close soon I must remain vigilant to complete the first eight chapters of Finds You Well.
          Thank you all for joining me :)
          ~Kirby Renee~


Hey there!
          Thank you for following me ❤️
           I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're taking care of yourself.
          Did you remember to eat and drink something today?
           Have you been getting enough rest and sleep?
           Is there anything exciting happening in your life ?
           And how are your books coming along? 
          Whatever you're going through, never forget that my message board is always open for you to talk about anything at all. 
          Have a wonderful day! 


@The__Tourtured__Poet I truly appreciate such a thoughtful check-in. Things are going quite well. I am enjoying a nice self-care day filled with writing and hot chocolate.


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          Kirby here, presenting the first chapter of Finds You Well. We welcome Aspen Rouge to the strong cast of leading ladies. She comes to us from one of my old band fictions. Her story begins in Williamsburg, Virginia. What adventures await her in her hometown? Well, read on to find out.
          Chapter Two will be released on Thursday.
          Chapter Three will be released on Saturday.
          Get ready folks!
          ~Kirby Renee~


          Kirby here bringing you an update!
          This Friday marks the completion of my Spring 2024 Semester. It has been one Hell of a journey. I have two more finals to complete. Once they are done it is full steam ahead on the writing train.
          Here is what you should be looking forward to:
          We Become The Night - Chapter One and Chapter Two
          Survivor's Guilt - Chapter Seven
          Destiny Unveiled - Chapter Two
          These are the projects that are going to be under construction and may take priority.
          Finds You Well
          I do not have an official update schedule yet, but once I do they will be posted via an announcement blurb.
          Let's board the hype train y'all cause its about to get wild!
          ~Kirby Renee~


@xDarkGarudax I can’t wait for you to see the opening of We Become the Night. It’s going to be epic.


@KirbyRenee always here and looking forward to everything <3


@WritingsOfACrow I can tell you that it is not easy. I’m finding it a little bit easier because I’ve been taking multiple classes and having to train my brain to think of each class separately. So I’ve been able to keep these three projects separate. If it becomes too much I just focus on one.