
Fcking wattpad. I can't see updates bish


Oiiiiiiiiiie boa noite!
          Desculpa atrapalhar mas será que você pode dar uma olhadinha na minha fic ? Se puder espero que goste de verdade...
          Fiz ela com muito carinho e amor
          .e aí como está? Está bem ? Espero que sim de verdade ..
          Bom Bay Baby Bjs...espero que goste....




I need help finding an old JIKOOK book. It’s where jungkook is older and going to college while jimin is still in high school. They live right next to each other and it is in omega verse. Jimin also plays basketball later in the book and is the only omega on the team. I have been trying to find this story forever, please help!


Hello fellow jikookers
          I just wanted to raise awareness about this problem on Twitter. That problem is an army. That army is taekookgay (@taekookgay1) that’s their Twitter account. Anyways, he or she has been spreading hate about Jikook. He or she has been telling Jimin to go die, disappear, covering Jimin in nasty emojis in BTS’ group photos, this person keeps on dissing Jimin and leaving Jimins name out during fan chants (ex: Kim namjoom, Kim seokjin, min yoongi, jeon Hoseok, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook) I have no problem against vkook, I only have a problem against taekookgay because of all the mean things they have been doing/saying to Jimin. I just want to raise awareness to problems like this
          This is what I have been copying and pasting everywhere to raise awareness about this problem. Everywhere on wattpad, Twitter, insta. I go on Jikook youtube channels and commenting things like this. I’ve even started trolling taekookgay1 by retweeting Jikook tweets and tagging him or her so they would see it , pls help me raise awareness about this person


Hello there, wonderful human being! We hope you're doing amazing!
          Sorry if we disturbed you but a FANFICTION AWARDS is being held that is looking for new participants and nominators!
          The Iridescent Fanfiction Awards [2018]:
          Or head on over to our account (@starryvibes)!
          Make your story title be heard! Many opportunities and prizes are open for EVERY genre of fanfiction out there! 
          HEADS UP: Nominating begins on June 06 and will last till July 06! Good luck!
          If you're not interested, that's totally understandable! Thank you for your time <3