
OMGosh Such a raw beauty in these words please checkout this authors profile and works truly amazing ♥️


Hey! :)
          I don't mean to be any bother but would you mind checking out my book? It's called 'Forever Mine' & it's quite a drama filled romance! 
          I would appreciate & be forever grateful for any tiny bit of support! Of course you're not obligated to - only if you really like it.
          Thank you so much in advance & have a nice day x


Hello To My Many Friends, authors and followers wanting to wish you all an amazing and Happy New Year ♥️♥️♥️ many of you have already seen the New Year come in with all fires blazing, and many others are experiencing the cheer of seeing the new year in on this fine evening ♥️ sending you all an abundance of love, light and many blessings for 2019 may all you desire spring to fruition and transpire throughout the coming months xxooxx Thankyou for taking the time to peruse my poetry and An Arm’s Breadth Away hopefully 2019 will see me adding to it regularly or maybe taking it down and creating a new book of short stories I’m undecided at the moment ♥️♥️ but go forth into the world and prosper ♥️♥️ HAPPY NEW YEAR Thankyou for being such an amazing and supportive group of amazingly talented authors ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


It’s come to my attention that some Wattpad authors are receiving a lot of negative comments from readers due to their books being unavailable and people needing to pay to unlock chapters? That is such petty BS — the writers deserve to have their words and their book world valued and to receive something in return for their hard work — I joined Radish Fiction because I felt the writers deserved some monetary value for their published works — now Wattpad has the premium service where you pay to unlock chapters (which Radish Fiction does) and giving back to their authors — instead of brow beating the authors that are trialling this new aspect of Wattpad sit your arses down and show them the love and respect each and every person that use this app deserve !!! They are talented at what they do!!!! So show them that and not brow beat them or cut them down!! (Continued in comments) 


This behaviour is what has some authors pulling their stories and leaving Wattpad — so if you wanna hate then go somewhere else to do it — and before you post negativity — really think about the choice your making — and is losing an author and his or her works from Wattpad what you really want? — not saying that the authors that are receiving negativity from some select audience are going to leave — but many that have been on the receiving end in the past — have left!!!! So please think before you type a negative or hateful response to authors — and if you have a gripe about paying to unlock chapters Take it up with @Wattpad Not the authors as @Wattpad have all the control when it comes to all their features on this site — pls excuse my rant but — have some class and give these authors a break from all your hateful and negative comments (the people who have left hateful and negative comments you know who you are!!!! Make better and wiser choices is all I ask) — I know the haters and negative nellies are very few and far between — but pls Wattpad is an amazing community full of exceptionally talented people that come here to escape and create an amazing reality with fiction - many friends have been made through this community  lets keep building people up and making the choice to not tear them down (my initial post exceeded the word limit and deleted without my being able to save it :( so hoping this posts) 