
this coming bundle of joy really takes my time and energy. im sorry for not posting anything especially ending my last pending story SOLACE... its making me frustrated... i will find time to finish it but i cant promise when will i be posting it... BUT never will i ever quit writing stories...
          	thanks so much for your patience... ill be back soon...
          	love you guys so much... ive been reading and re reading comments on some of my other stories and it kept me going to never give up this skill no matter how tiring real life can be...
          	ill be back soon... i promise... 
          	lots and lots of love


@Kheinnox Don't worry you avid readers and fans  will always be here for you. Although I've read solace alot of times hoping for a new chapter I religiously trust that we will be rewarded soon. Keep up the good work


Take care of yourself and your precious bundle of joy. We’ll be here waiting 


this coming bundle of joy really takes my time and energy. im sorry for not posting anything especially ending my last pending story SOLACE... its making me frustrated... i will find time to finish it but i cant promise when will i be posting it... BUT never will i ever quit writing stories...
          thanks so much for your patience... ill be back soon...
          love you guys so much... ive been reading and re reading comments on some of my other stories and it kept me going to never give up this skill no matter how tiring real life can be...
          ill be back soon... i promise... 
          lots and lots of love


@Kheinnox Don't worry you avid readers and fans  will always be here for you. Although I've read solace alot of times hoping for a new chapter I religiously trust that we will be rewarded soon. Keep up the good work


Take care of yourself and your precious bundle of joy. We’ll be here waiting 


so.... i have a new story coming up after solace... same universe but different characters... its still zeenunew because i love them...  ill leave the preview and the title at the end of solace... watch out for it... i hope youll like it... <3


@Kheinnox looking forward to it. I Just love zeenunew


Yay I absolutely love zeenunew too! Can’t wait too!! :3


SOLACE is nearing its end as well as for the Blessed Moon Series. 
          ill post new stand alone stories that may or may not be up your genre. i hope ill see you all there as well enjoying them as much as you had enjoyed my series... 
          thank you so much....


@Kheinnox Thanks for the wonderful series khun. Will support all your incoming series....


@Kheinnox I have really enjoyed reading this series and will definitely continue to support you in any further endeavors.  


 #4 SILENCED I want to read it because I think it's a good story but when I read a part at young age the heroine is sexually violated by many my God I can't continue to read it, it break my heart  the purity of the heroine so important for me maybe can you change or edit it if it is OK please don't be offended I really admire your work your good oh I am sorry it's your work I'm just telling my opinion about again so SORRY


@Catya41 its okay to tell me about your opinion... im glad youve taken a liking to my stories... im just telling a story that many would deliberately just hush up, covered up and twisted to suit their palates, hence, the title SILENCED... im sorry to hear that it may have triggered you or made you feel uncomfortable... im no philosopher.. im just a story teller so please continue to love my stories and i hope you wont report or flag me because of this plot... thanks once again... i hope to hear from you again... :) <3


Hello I'm a fan actually I really like your story your good I just don't like a plot like sexually abuse, it's better to use physically abuse, just for me because I always want a heroine's purity that what I am and plaese don't take this as negative reaction to your writing hmm B auz I really like your story specially your sequel of MG story I love reading all of it except for #4


@Rubyarea05 its okay.. dont worry about it. i just want a simple plot this time and MAYBE not involve too much gore but well see... thank you so much for reading... i have a few new line ups for my upcoming stories but its not set in stone yet... i will take good care of myself, dont worry... thanks so much 


hi guys!
          sorry for the delay on the update for Solace due to personal reasons and also concerning my health.... ill still be updating the story but not to the usual 4 to 5 days interval... it may come early and sometimes it will be updated late... i hope you guys understand... thank you for reading my stories... i hope i had entertained you well...


@Kheinnox I hope your health improves. Don't worry we will wait patiently for your updates. Your stories are wonderfull. Keep up the good work 


@Kheinnox get well soon , as for the story sorry i dropped it , i loved it at the beginning but with the new chapters I discovered it's not my type anymore , however i still love your stories and all your books especially " freak " hope I'll get the chance to read your new books ❤️✨ please take care of your health more ❤️✨