
Hi everyone! I've made some plot changes to the Deal, as I've had some problems with it. Will be updating it pretty soon. The characters will stay the same but the concept will be different. 


Hello, Wattpad readers. I'm taking a short break now to do some real-life work. Trying to work on a novelette so that I can submit it to a Writing Contest. Will be back to post a new novel I'm working on, titled 'The Deal'. If you've read the six novellas I posted months ago, you'll recognise some familiar characters. Expect the first update around late November.


Hello. I've just posted the beginning of my other short thriller read "The Blackmail". Its about a fifty-something Yr old man who realizes he has a stalker who is after his hidden secret. What he does to this stalker will leave you jaw-dropped. 


Hello, Wattpad readers. I've just completed my latest short story The Voice, and it's a thriller about a nanny who has had a history a mental illness but is also hiding a dark secret. Someone claims to know and is out to expose her. If you like suspense and twisty plots, you can come check it out and leave your comment.


Hii everyone! It's been three years since I wrote anything on this platform. I needed time to work on myself and to find out if writing is really what i want to do. After going on hiatus, I'm glad to say that I'm back and will work hard to make my books stand out.