
Hey everyone. I’m just coming on here to say my Wattpad acc is still not up and running properly. Therefore meaning I can’t upload chapter 4 of ‘Lake Aria’. I’m so sorry and for now I’m gonna keep emailing and trying to get this problem sorted! Thank you for your unbelievable patience ❤️ 


Okay talk about an absolute nightmare of a week. Oh my lord. Sooo basically my Wattpad stopped cooperating and decided it’d be great to disable my publish button :D Resulting in me not being able to publish Chapter 4 + 5. Again for the millionth time I am so sorry and thank you for your patience as always. I emailed Wattpad and I was told it’d be resolved by tmrw around midday sooo I will be posting then. (If it works that is…) Thank you again ❤️x


Currently working on Chapter 4. It should be uploaded either tomorrow or Monday for definite. Thank you all so much for your patience and all the love and support I’m receiving for Lake Aria. Your messages are beyond sweet. Keep the feedback and suggestions coming in, it’s a huge help. After my exams finish I will be uploading a chapter or two everyday. Right now everything’s just a bit chaotic. Thank you for understanding. Your patience is incredible xx


Okayyy well that took a bit longer than expected. Anyway Chapter Three is up and available to read. Please let me know what you think. I’d Love feedback on the chapter lengths etc. Any suggestions for Chapter Four will be well received and as always critiques and tips widely appreciated! Hope you enjoy this one xx 


Okay so, I’ve managed to get Chapter 3 almost finished today. It will be posted tomorrow afternoon around 4:30pm. It’s a bit longer than the other two therefore took a bit longer to write and edit etc. I’ll post another update after it’s posted tmrw. Thank you so much for all the support so far. I’m lost for words at how much love ‘Lake Aria’ is receiving. It’s overwhelming. I’m so grateful so thank you! As usual critiques and suggestions are always appreciated. xx