
Why did the peacock cross the road?! Because on the way home from music lessons we saw a peacock walking across the road!


You have my art commission on my other account on a library list awww that's so nice of you<3
          (The art commission book there is on my old account:D am so happy you have it there)


@iLOVES41 Well, you're welcome then! ^-^


Rose: Great! Where are-...*looks around* we?
          Marie: Look it's-
          Jack: Dada!
          Rose: *sees Shadow in a distance* Sorry but..that's not dada...
          Marie: But it looks like him!
          Rose: Well, do you remember when momma said she traveled dimensions?
          Marie: *nods*
          Rose: Well, that's a different version of dada
          Jack: I want mama...
          Marie: And daddy...
          Rose: I know...
          Angel: When can we go home?
          Rose: As soon as I find a way, Angel
          Hades: You know how everyone thinks, Sonic, is soo cool because he's soo fast?
          Zeus: Ya?
          Hades: Well, if he was soo slow, would everyone think he's soo UNCOOL? *smirks*
          Zeus: Ha! I got one! You know why, Sonic, has so many fangirls?
          Hades: Why?
          Zeus: Well, with all that running he must get tired and hot every once in a while, right?
          Hades: Ya?
          Zeus: So, he has to have so many fangirls to cool him off!
          Hades: Haha!
          Zeus/Hades: *high five each other*
          Rose: Didn't anyone teach you two to behave?!
          Zeus: *shrugs* So?
          Hades: Does it really matter?
          Rose: *sighs out of frustration*


@Beloved_Narrator Rose, Marie, and Jack are Shadow's and Missy's children (in the future) and Zeus, Hades, and Angel are Whisper's and Hercules' triplet children (in the future)!


            Lore drop? MatPat must return. 


Who wants to join my family in Webkinz Next?
          I'm the sister, Karissa the brother, and Hadassah is the mom!
          You can be anyone you want in the family (even a boyfriend of girlfriend) except for a mom!


          How are you?
          I was Just thinking...
          Near the missy's kindom there should be a legendary maze
          You know...
          Like another adventure for sonic the hedechog


@ Kaylei22 sonic:Hello missy. I heared that there is a maze near your kindom


Name 1 song and 1 character
          (it could be anything random if you want)
          Any song and any fandom character


@Kaylei22 Memories (Maroon 5) - Shadow >﹏<   or All of of me (John Legend) for Shadow again  BUT! Dear Future Husband (Meghan Trainor) is definitely the song that fits for Amy (like literally(•_•)).


@Kaylei22 Careless Whispers 
            Bucky Barnes


Me: My grandma hit a squirrel...Poor squirrel... T-T
          Mind: She hit Savage... -_-