
I just love being in a toxic relationship...not really 


          Ok so I have an internship where I take care of animals and my first day was Friday. I work Fridays thru Sundays. 
          I'm working in the farm selection with goats, giraffes, a few cows, a few deer, and so much more! It's definitely tough work especially since most of it is heavy lifting things, raking poop, sweeping the barn, and jumping over fences to feed the goats and stuff. 
          But its super fun!! Today the guy that is teaching me and stuff got called to do a lemur encounter where people get to be in the enclosure with the lemurs. And since there wasn't much stuff to do at the time I got to go with!!! It was so freaking amazing to learn about them and pet them.
          On another note I'll be posting an update this week for My Angel! And possibly an update for my OC story.


Hi everyone!
          I have a new book I'm working on! But don't worry I'm still working hard on my Angel Dust book. I'll also work on my OC story a little more. 
          The new book will be posted either when I finish one of my books or once I finish the new book completely and then I'll fully post it in one go.
          The new book will be called Royal Love and it's a Princess Reader x My Hero Academia boys as Princes. There will be six love interests which will be Tenya, Denki, Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, and Shoto! 
          I'll probably post a little more about how the story is going. I hope you will enjoy!
          ~Kara ♡


Hey everyone,
          I'm having a really bad mental break down and honestly everything hurts and feels terrible. I'm sorry I won't be updating for a few weeks...I just need some time...I hope you all can understand...I'll also be posting this update on my Angel Dust fanfic as well for anyone who doesn't follow me...
          ~Kara ♡


@Kawaii_KC_123 I'll be okay eventually, no need to worry


aw i'm sorry


I was gonna try to update today since these next few weeks I'll be busy and all over the place but I feel SUPER sick right now. 
          I'm sorry if I don't update for a few days but I want to make sure my updates are as good as I can make them. 
          On a much lighter note, I'm thinking about applying for University of Seattle because they offer a major in creative writing.
          I hope I don't disappoint any of you and I hope you can understand! 
          ~Kara ♡


I can't make this stuff up,
          So I got literally no sleep last night so I was up from 4:00pm on the 13th till like 3:00pm on the 14th. So I got no sleep before my SAT test. 
          I ate a bit at the testing place when we got breaks but when I was in the car home I felt reallyyyy sick. I laid down in bed the second I got home and I felt super sick and threw up a ton. 
          I wish I was kidding. So I slept until like 10:30 pm lol


@Kawaii_KC_123 its alright, I'm feeling better


aw i'm sorry buttercup