
Why am I so happy to see 14 followers? I dunno, just am! I'll share a secret with you guys - I'm not very Christmassy this year. As I type I can hear my family putting up the tree. I don't want to join in, I'd rather be elsewhere. Or in Elsweyr. Or Iceland. Naah, too hot in Elsweyr and Iceland's really far from Australia. Anyway, HI! BE NOTIFIED OF MY EXISTANCE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm writing again! Edited chapter 1 of Iceland x Germany (It wont be a fem x aph the entire length you know hahaha!) Goddamn ships taking over my life now. 
          	DECLARING WAR ON GERMANY! (Supanova story, I'll tell it later. Maybe)
          	Bye bye~ post more later (hopefully)


Why am I so happy to see 14 followers? I dunno, just am! I'll share a secret with you guys - I'm not very Christmassy this year. As I type I can hear my family putting up the tree. I don't want to join in, I'd rather be elsewhere. Or in Elsweyr. Or Iceland. Naah, too hot in Elsweyr and Iceland's really far from Australia. Anyway, HI! BE NOTIFIED OF MY EXISTANCE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm writing again! Edited chapter 1 of Iceland x Germany (It wont be a fem x aph the entire length you know hahaha!) Goddamn ships taking over my life now. 
          DECLARING WAR ON GERMANY! (Supanova story, I'll tell it later. Maybe)
          Bye bye~ post more later (hopefully)


Okaaay~ I can finally start writing again! It'll still be slow and probably sloppier since I've not got much inspiration BUT I can write again! I'll be borrowing my mum's laptop every so often (twice-three times a week) so I can socialise and write with friends. I'm currently working on something small and almost traditional fantasy style (Somewhat medieval and magical with elves and demons and magical afflictions and dragons and all that) with my own sub-species of Wood Elves that speak in Scottish accents. If you have any ideas for that let me know and let me know what stories you'd like me to continue first (I know there aren't many) and I'll do my best. (Should know that before this sentence is 666 characters! LOVE IT!)