
          	Chapter 9 is out now!! 
          	It took me a while as it’s a p long chapter but I added some cute little kiritoxy/n moments so have a read!!! 
          	Chapters 1-9 are all rewritten and out now!! 
          	Love kitty


Okay thanks for letting me know 


Hmm, I’ve never noticed that before but it’s still the date I first published the chapter for me so I don’t don’t think it changes, but I’ll be announcing all the chapter rewrite updates on here so don’t worry I’ll let you all know 


@KatsTales444 looking forward to reading it. Also have a question the dates next to the chapter do those change when you rewrite them. Cause if there supposed to there not doing for me


          Chapter 9 is out now!! 
          It took me a while as it’s a p long chapter but I added some cute little kiritoxy/n moments so have a read!!! 
          Chapters 1-9 are all rewritten and out now!! 
          Love kitty


Okay thanks for letting me know 


Hmm, I’ve never noticed that before but it’s still the date I first published the chapter for me so I don’t don’t think it changes, but I’ll be announcing all the chapter rewrite updates on here so don’t worry I’ll let you all know 


@KatsTales444 looking forward to reading it. Also have a question the dates next to the chapter do those change when you rewrite them. Cause if there supposed to there not doing for me


Little Update! 
          Hey guys just coming on here to announce that I’m currently pausing the beater rewrite, you may have already noticed since I haven’t uploaded it in a while. 
          Reason being I’m currently focusing on my course work because my final hand is next week!!!! So I’ll be done with my course and will be able to dedicate all my time to my books and fanfics! So don’t worry the rewrite will continue, chapters 1-8 rewrite are complete though! 
          Also I’ve only been uploading UYS content because I’ve already have most of those chapters written so can just dish them out whenever so for the time being check out my other book to keep you entertained! 
          And finally, a few of you beater readers have asked for a sequel and sad to say that if one does come about it won’t be for quite some time :( SORRY PLEASE DONT HATE ME!! But that just because between the rewrite my og book and then a potential marvel fanfic I was working on I just don’t have the time to start a new Sao fanfic also because I love the way Beater ended I think it rounded off the story well and I’m not even entirely sure how to even reopen a new Sao fanfic or how I could make it interesting and entertaining because for me what I love in a fanfic and romance story in general is the slow burn lead up to the romance so to go into a book with characters already in a relationship is something I’ve never done before but who knows maybe I can cook something up but for now it’ll have to wait! 
          That’s all for now!! 
          Lots of love, 
          Kat <3 


Will you do GGO?
          Lets just pretend ALO never happened, cause let's be honest, Leafa was the only good thing that came out of ALO


If enough people request it the for sure! Just won’t be for a while as I’m rewriting beater then have an og book that I’m writing and a few diff fan fics as I want to expand from j anime 


          Hey guys I’m so happy to finally announce that my first ORIGINAL book is out it’s ocxoc sorry those who followed me for fan fics but they’ll be coming out soon!! I’m still re writing beater but this was a project I’ve had in my drafts for OVER A YEAR so thought it deserved to come out I’ll try update regularly but we all know what I’m like  so we will see what happens 
          Check it out: ‘under your stars’ is out NOW!!!! 


          Sorry it’s been so so long but it’s out now I’ll slowly be updating that entire fan fiction, so definitely go back and read it since I’ve been adding in more plot and bits for all you wonderful people. 
          After I finish updating that book I have an ORIGINAL NOVEL I want to share yes of course it’s romance, think childhood friends become enemies to lovers. I’m so excited!!!! 
          Anyways I’ll stop rambling! 
          Love you guys lots Kat <3


Hi I love you story of sao . It is amazing story your are really amazing at writing story’s . Keep it up yo can do it take your time 


Awh thank you so much you’re so sweet!!


          I won’t lie to you all but I lost complete motivation to write over the last few month hence why I’ve like disappeared from the face of the planet but I recently broke up from my long term boyfriend have my final exams coming up so am revising like a mad woman and as every series of unfortunate events goes I’ve seemed to have put myself in the hospital for an unknown condition and no one knows what’s wrong with me! 
          So I  sorry for disappearing but I’m back! Not 100% but I’m trying 
          Anyways if you didn’t see chapter 2 of the rewrite of beater is up and I’m writing chapter 3 as we speak might be up later today or in the next couple of days depending how tired I am lol 
          And I know many of you have asked for ALO and GGO but my next book is an original romance story and I’m almost done so that will be up soon and then I’ve got a few others that I started as well so if I were to do ALO and GGO it wouldn’t be for a while so I am sorry but hopefully the rewrite can get you by until then
          Love you al so much!!!!!