
Hello, followers and readers, it's been a minute. I honestly gave up on writing stories a while ago because I was overwhelmed and stressed by everything I had started and didn't feel like finishing. But I'm back and I'm feeling inspired. I was wondering if people would be interested in reading a new story I'm planning. I don't know the title yet, but it will be based on shadow and bone, mostly the TV series. My plan is to make it a Darkling/ Breker love triangle maybe, not too sure yet. Let me know if this is something that would interest anyone! I'm glad to be back, and sorry for making people wait for any updates.


Please update The Last Samurai 


Hello, followers and readers, it's been a minute. I honestly gave up on writing stories a while ago because I was overwhelmed and stressed by everything I had started and didn't feel like finishing. But I'm back and I'm feeling inspired. I was wondering if people would be interested in reading a new story I'm planning. I don't know the title yet, but it will be based on shadow and bone, mostly the TV series. My plan is to make it a Darkling/ Breker love triangle maybe, not too sure yet. Let me know if this is something that would interest anyone! I'm glad to be back, and sorry for making people wait for any updates.


Please update The Last Samurai 


Thanks for voting for Soldier! 


It’s like midnight here so I’ll have to get some sleep! I might try and update tomorrow depends. 


@MarvelGirl2016 completely understandable lol


@Kat_Pierce oh now you’re fine! My writing days are usually Friday Saturday and Sunday. Only reason I’ve updated on Thursday is because I didn’t  have school that day or today. I try not to keep anyone waiting  


@mbp012 omg thank you so much this just made my day! so to answer your question, yes i will be writing about michelle's character and Dacres character in season 2. the plan is that I'm going to have them start dating privately after power rangers is long done, and while they're doing interview, i'm going to have an interviewer ask them if they're dating and they'll finally say they are, then i'll have Dacre announced as Billy in like an E news type thing. and then the plan is to write some chapters in Billy and Charlie's (michelle's character in stranger things) POV and i have so many ideas for that, but this is the plan. i hope it all makes sense lol and  thanks so much for the follow, and i'm so happy you said you liked the Dacre story, i haven't been too sure on how well people were taking it so thank you!!! If you want me to write something in let me know and I'll dedicate the chapter to you since it will be your idea!