
There's something thats really been weighing on my heart lately, and it won't stop coming up in my thoughts, the feelings about it won't go away. 
          	So I'm here to ask y'all for help, this is the platform where I have the biggest following. 
          	I don't know what I wanna do exactly, but I wanna help people, ik my brothers in debt, ik people who are stuck in terrible situations and I can't lend a hand cause I'm barely getting by myself! That's the part that kills me I can't help
          	Ik we don't have a homeless shelter in my town. But I also wanna do something for people trying to escape abuse or get on their feet after abuse, help the kids with depression, I want there so be a place to help anybody, and I want it to be a non profit, it will run off what others feel the need to donate. 
          	If you've read any of my books you know they're to bring awareness to abuse and assault mostly, I've been through that, but my dad was verbally abusive, he hit me once. But he's putting my mom through it rn cause she waited almost 38 years to divorce him
          	I was assaulted when I was 16 and almost raped a few months ago, this guy I barely started dating got drunk then got mad when I kept saying no. 
          	(More in the comments-) 


@Blackbells1234 thank youuuuu!!! ❤❤❤


@KatAlexRose You can do this BOL!


@Blackbells1234 haha I just have a dream to do this and I'm going to do it I've already started thinking about what we'll provide


There's something thats really been weighing on my heart lately, and it won't stop coming up in my thoughts, the feelings about it won't go away. 
          So I'm here to ask y'all for help, this is the platform where I have the biggest following. 
          I don't know what I wanna do exactly, but I wanna help people, ik my brothers in debt, ik people who are stuck in terrible situations and I can't lend a hand cause I'm barely getting by myself! That's the part that kills me I can't help
          Ik we don't have a homeless shelter in my town. But I also wanna do something for people trying to escape abuse or get on their feet after abuse, help the kids with depression, I want there so be a place to help anybody, and I want it to be a non profit, it will run off what others feel the need to donate. 
          If you've read any of my books you know they're to bring awareness to abuse and assault mostly, I've been through that, but my dad was verbally abusive, he hit me once. But he's putting my mom through it rn cause she waited almost 38 years to divorce him
          I was assaulted when I was 16 and almost raped a few months ago, this guy I barely started dating got drunk then got mad when I kept saying no. 
          (More in the comments-) 


@Blackbells1234 thank youuuuu!!! ❤❤❤


@KatAlexRose You can do this BOL!


@Blackbells1234 haha I just have a dream to do this and I'm going to do it I've already started thinking about what we'll provide


Gosh I m happy o came across your account 


@Blackbells1234 oh thanks! Haha I like titles like that, I'm writing my own book, cause my friend who I grew up withs mom is a publisher, and I'm been obsessed with those big words with deep meanings, but I havent found the right one, but when I do just that word is going to be the title! 


Also I love your works just by the title


"Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it"
          -Mrs. Goodwin from Chicago Med


@KatAlexRose wait you too? Same here


@lancegirl99 Yesss! I'm glad someone knows that show, I'm currently on season 2 uwu