
I've just made a story based on tbhk :D hope you guys like it! sorry for not posting anything, but here ya go. Follow me on instagram to get daily content i guess XD https://www.wattpad.com/story/222922141


Hi... sorry for not being active a h a h... I’ve grown less interested into writing the books I have, even though I have SOOOOOO many ideas that I’ve put aside eheh... so um I apologize xd anyways maybe i’ll Come up with another book or so :)


@Kasa_Sama im sorry for suddenly replying in 2020, but im just here to say i seriously undertsand how you feel .  it's like the idea is there and you kept thinking bout it always and suddenly you lost interest. What im saying is, dont worry. Each writer has their own pace. And if you really got that idea stuck in your head, simply write it in a book. If you plan on making a book, you can make it as a reference.
            Sorry for making it long, hehehe. Hope something i said helps.