
Who's a writer on this app that you just think,'This I so boring'. For me, it's knightrider. His stories are so repetitive and follow the same criteria each time


First Ash from Pokemon and now Izuku from MHA. What is it with you guys and these betrayal fics? Ash doesn’t deserve it and Izuku has been through enough, give him a break.


@Karnage_kult yep I also think he is boring like everytime I read his story it's same plot and the fact that in every story he makes eri deku's daughter which irritates me cause I really want a story when if izuku is betrayed then it should by her too.There are not many stories where deki is betrayed by her it provides with a good change 


Hi @Karnage_Kult 
          I was wondering if you take story ideas?
          My idea is a MHA x Kaiju #8
          The story begins with Izuku Yagi a 18 year old quirkless boy who dreams of becoming the first quirkless hero but his sister and her friends bully him trying to make him give up and he is neglected by his parents. During his last day of Highschool Izuku is walking home after his bullies mentally beat him down. He’s attacked but saved by All might he asks the number 1 hero if he can be a hero but All might knowing how hard it is gently puts down the boys dream. After the hero leaves Izuku goes to the beach he cleaned months earlier and while he’s sitting on the sand a small portal opens next him and a big mutant bug appears heavily injured it talks to izuku and makes a deal with him he gives Izuku its powers if he lets it use him as a host. The two bond together giving Izuku a god like body and a new Kaiju form. Izuku uses his new powers and saves his sister and her friends from the sludge villain. Later that night Izuku moved out of his parents house and becomes a vigilante untill ha can get into UA.
          Izuku is one year older than his sister but was held back in school due to his teachers sabotaging his grades. Izuku’s parents didn’t mean to neglect him but with their hero jobs it was close to impossible. Izuku’s harem consists of the 1A girls and some of the female pro heroes like Mirko. Due to his new kaiju powers his libido and Manhood have gotten bigger. He uses protection for his girlfriends still going to school but he’s ok with getting his Pro hero girlfriends pregnant.
          Hope you like this idea.


Who's a writer on this app that you just think,'This I so boring'. For me, it's knightrider. His stories are so repetitive and follow the same criteria each time


First Ash from Pokemon and now Izuku from MHA. What is it with you guys and these betrayal fics? Ash doesn’t deserve it and Izuku has been through enough, give him a break.


@Karnage_kult yep I also think he is boring like everytime I read his story it's same plot and the fact that in every story he makes eri deku's daughter which irritates me cause I really want a story when if izuku is betrayed then it should by her too.There are not many stories where deki is betrayed by her it provides with a good change 


I've finished all of my exams, and that means I will be posting on Wattpad more regularly as most of my time has been focused on my exams which is why there's been a large difference from when I published the last chapter from any of my stories.


@Karnage_kult Nice :)
            Good luck with the notes


Hey Karnage here a idea for you and basically it’s called Izuku the Xenomorphic vigilante and basically inko use to work at a lab that did experiments on xenomorphs and well Inko discovers she infertile but then asks permission to do a risky experiment and so they plant Xenomorph cells into her egg cells and nine months later and izuku is born but he sometimes keeps changing from baby Xenomorph to baby human and well years later at age 14 he develops cannibalistic urges and starts eating criminals and so each night he sneaks out of home to devour a criminal and well his powers are basically Xenomorphic evolution meaning he eventually gets the forms and powers of each Xenomorph breed and he can have a massive harem with midnight being the main


ayo did you delete the monsuke teiko story i was really looking forward to reading that one or are you going to repost it.
          Love your story’s bye


alright thx i was just worried since i was looking forward to reading it but was to busy 
            i also really loved your symbiot x deku story


@eivor985 I did, but I will republish it, and I'm just making more chapters and have changed some things such as adding pics.


I don't really understand Izuku Yagi stories that have the rest of the family abuse Izuku for being quirkless especially including All Might in the abuse when he was once quirkless and would in fact not stand for such a thing and it completely ruins his character as both a hero and a person in general. He would actually train Izuku to inherit One For All or at least to defend himself, and he would be a prodigy with One For All as well, so I don't understand the logic behind it.


@Karnage_kult these stories are wish fulfillment, bad ones at that. 


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@Karnage_kult ok im not defending them im just saying the sometimes decent ones excuse for all might is that he let the power and the fame get to his head which in turn would lead to him forgetting his origins and therefore becoming the quirkist piece of shit they make him