
*quick update guys I have been adding artwork into the chapters so if you'd like to see what some of the characters so far look like, go check it out ;) 


@KancerKiller7991 I love you're artwork! :) Wish I could use the same methods you do. Maybe someday. (crosses fingers) lol


*Pops in* Waiting for more Duality!!! *pops out*


@SimpliDuelist Wow! I had no idea! I can't wait!


Don't you worry ;) The whole Duality book will all come out at once hopefully before the end of the year. HopeJohn and I are hard at work getting this book entirely finished for you guys! Thanks for being so patient, I promise it'll be worth the wait! 


It's time everyone! DUALITY is officially released! Enjoy the first few chapters everyone and stay tuned for much more.. :) 


@KancerKiller7991 OMG! It's finally here! Yay!


Hey guys! KK here, and I'm here with an awesome update! The cover for DUALITY is up on my tumblr, free to view. If you want a sneak peak you can check it out there ;) Some more good news is that the first few chapters of DUALITY should be up by the end of this weekend. You guys are going to love it! Stay tuned for more updates!


Hey guys! KK here, and I've got some more great news for you! I've officially made a tumblr, and I'm going to post all kinds of stuff on it! Stuff that will include sneak peaks to upcoming chapters and artworks! Stuff outside of yugioh altogether! EVERYTHING. So, if you would like to be in the know and in the mind of KancerKiller, follow me on tumblr! Here's the link: http://kancerkiller.tumblr.com
          Thanks you guys so much! More teaser art is on the way... :)


Hey guys! KK here, I've got some great news for you all. The first few chapters of the new book DUALITY are almost done. Just a few more things for me and HopeJohn to do and then you guys will finally get to read the next chapter in this epic series! I've got a teaser poster up on my background to get everyone hyped up ;) Stay tuned for more...




Hey Kancer! IDK if your a creepypasta person, but if ya could, can ya go read my new story? It's on my profile but also can ya give me a shout out please??? I really am proud of these stories and I really think people will like them, but no one has read them yet. ;-;


Hey kancerkiller7991
          i just wanted to tell you i love your yugioh dragon destiny books the last chapter of the second book was quite emotional but you gave me the will to keep writing my book about yugioh and I'm near 400 views :D so thank you and don't stop writing 
          my book: yugioh 5ds Era Of Dawn 


Thanks so much for your kind words! Don't stop writing, no matter what! And don't forget to enjoy yourself while you're doing it :)