
Happy 4th of July! 
          	Anyway, I woke up early this morning and wrote in my journal. I don't know necessarily why, but I have a strong urge to share it with you who are there. Followers, visitors, etc. Whoever looks and/or whoever cares, I guess I mean. 
          	1:23 am | I think if I were to go, to once and for all take my life, commit suicide...the person who it'd hurt the most wouldn't be my sister, my mother, my father, or anyone in my family. It'd be Braiden (known as "the one" in Teacup). Because this early morning my brain sparked and realized something I've been trying to realize for what feels like forever. Whether he'll admit it or not - to himself or to me - I mean the world to Braiden. Another thing, he'd blame himself. 100%
          	1:27 am | "Not only did he not want to believe, he knew sure as hell it was coming, yet was too scared to help." A line that's been repeating in my brain for the past thirty minutes. 
          	1:29 am | I'm sorry Braiden. Because if I try, I won't. Because my mind will replay each and every memory I have of you. And I'll cry. Because I god damn love you and I know it will hurt: a feeling I've caused to you enough already. 
          	1:32 am | So not goodbye, but "Good night, cruel world." Because I'm not ready to wake up..
          	1:42 am |
          	He'd blame himself.
          	He'd visit and leave something
          	Maybe not flowers.
          	But love.
          	And sadness.
          	Because it'd burn like hell to hear
          	such news.
          	He'd cry until his eyes burned.
          	He'd then sleep
          	and cry again.
          	It'd rip his heart 
          	out of his chest.
          	Not because it was romance
          	or even close to that.
          	But because it was friendship.
          	"Friendship love."
          	Which in some cases - in OUR case...
          	is stronger than any other.
          	1:51 am |
          	"I love you"
          	"I saved you"
          	"I killed you"
          	"I miss you"
          	I hope you are all well. Happy fourth of July.
          	My "cope" book:


Happy 4th of July! 
          Anyway, I woke up early this morning and wrote in my journal. I don't know necessarily why, but I have a strong urge to share it with you who are there. Followers, visitors, etc. Whoever looks and/or whoever cares, I guess I mean. 
          1:23 am | I think if I were to go, to once and for all take my life, commit suicide...the person who it'd hurt the most wouldn't be my sister, my mother, my father, or anyone in my family. It'd be Braiden (known as "the one" in Teacup). Because this early morning my brain sparked and realized something I've been trying to realize for what feels like forever. Whether he'll admit it or not - to himself or to me - I mean the world to Braiden. Another thing, he'd blame himself. 100%
          1:27 am | "Not only did he not want to believe, he knew sure as hell it was coming, yet was too scared to help." A line that's been repeating in my brain for the past thirty minutes. 
          1:29 am | I'm sorry Braiden. Because if I try, I won't. Because my mind will replay each and every memory I have of you. And I'll cry. Because I god damn love you and I know it will hurt: a feeling I've caused to you enough already. 
          1:32 am | So not goodbye, but "Good night, cruel world." Because I'm not ready to wake up..
          1:42 am |
          He'd blame himself.
          He'd visit and leave something
          Maybe not flowers.
          But love.
          And sadness.
          Because it'd burn like hell to hear
          such news.
          He'd cry until his eyes burned.
          He'd then sleep
          and cry again.
          It'd rip his heart 
          out of his chest.
          Not because it was romance
          or even close to that.
          But because it was friendship.
          "Friendship love."
          Which in some cases - in OUR case...
          is stronger than any other.
          1:51 am |
          "I love you"
          "I saved you"
          "I killed you"
          "I miss you"
          I hope you are all well. Happy fourth of July.
          My "cope" book:


Hey everyone, I actually have been sitting down and working on a variety of my stories - for one - however, I wouldn't expect a lot to be posted from me much because my best friend has been having some things going on with his family (health issues, arguments, etc - I won't say what specifically) and it's hard to tell when he's really okay or not. Still, I'm just trying to be there for him when he needs it, so with that being said I haven't been writing much as it will surely be a while before I publish anything else at least for a while. Thanks.


This isn't becoming my main work, but it will be a big project I will be continuously adding to. "Turtles" is a feature which includes real information about Turtles and other elated topics, spreads awareness and notice about sea life, and also has some fun short stories related to these topics. I hope you add it to your library and enjoy it - whether you prefer the informational bits or the story bits more.
          Thanks always, Kalley.


Switching stories yet again
          However, I already made the cover for the sequel/extended epilogue so maybe that will motivate me to work on it. Also, I'm currently obsessed with the song "As The World Caves In" which if you think about it kind of sounds related to the story, so I have a lot of ideas. It's a story about two best friends surviving a nuclear apocalypse, and the introduction & first chapter are posted! I hope this is a story I actually stick with, it's a really good one...


My website has been updated!
          Several things have been updated, including:
          -Banner Images
          -Current works
          -All Posts page (added)
          -All Post Page (actual posts)
          -Newest Post (Home)
          -And more
          Regardless of how much has been updated, there is still a lot of work to be done! Be sure to check out the new and improved site♡


As you may have noticed, I hop around with my stories a lot. Most ideas I try to ignore, but some I just can't. So, I write them and save them in drafts. However, I never go back to them. And because of this as well as new ideas, I never complete books. I have never. Not even when I was 3 and was making picture books - however, I was more into signing back then. So, with this being said and known, I'm making some reading lists. Not necessarily for me or for you, but to stay organized. You'll always know which story I'm trying to work on most and you'll always know which ones are for another time - or side stories. I've already done this with my PTTS and WIP (Put to the side : Work in progress) lists, but I'd like to add one more. "Dead". These are stories I will NOT be writing, but I will not delete them because the idea is good and may sprout another good one later on. I will be adding both drafts and published books to all three of these reading lists, so most you may not see. I'm trying to only have 6 or less books published, that way I stay more focused on the ones I'm supposed to be updating. Okay, that's enough of your time wasted. So, to conclude, I will be adding my books - both published and drafts - to reading lists to keep you updated.
          On another note, I've been trying to spend more time with my younger sister lately, so I have not been on Wattpad lately. My current work is "Soft Balls and Baskets" and I've already written the first chapter - which is sort of like the introduction. However, I will not be publishing it until I've written a few more chapters and know I'm either going to stay with the book or have at least gotten some depth into it.
          In case you can't tell, I really like the word "however".