
Okay, So I'm officially back and I'm gonna get back to work on my stuff, I've also returned with a question. Would you like me to alternate working on my stories
          	(ie: yordlefic > OverAu > etc. and repeat) or would you prefer I work on one and finish it then move on to the next one? I really want to know what you guys want to see more of and that leads into my second Question. If you want me to finish a story first which one, The OverAu or the yordlefic?


Okay, So I'm officially back and I'm gonna get back to work on my stuff, I've also returned with a question. Would you like me to alternate working on my stories
          (ie: yordlefic > OverAu > etc. and repeat) or would you prefer I work on one and finish it then move on to the next one? I really want to know what you guys want to see more of and that leads into my second Question. If you want me to finish a story first which one, The OverAu or the yordlefic?


Hey everyone, just making this post to let you know I'm still working on the Overwatch au and male yordles X Male! Reader. It's just I've had tons of ideas and I've been writing them done, I plan to finish them for sure, just a heads up for those who want to see where they go.