
Hi, I sent this request but just incase you didn't see it it's here again...
          So, the Couple is called Heather and Rose they tried to get pregnant through IVF for years but it never worked. They stopped trying fir a while then they decided to try it one last time and it worked. Rose is the pregnant one and Heather is a doctor who earlier in university took midwifery. They decided on a home birth even though the baby is very big and could come with problems. Rose doesn't have a very high pain tolerance and the labour is very long (idk 19-23hrs?) They tried everything to help Roses pain, moving around the house, getting in the bath together but it got hard for Rose to deal with especially since her waters refuse to break causing pressure. In the end, they get into the birth pool for thier water birth so Heather can help Rose. Since Heather's a doctor, she has gas and air ready. Eventually the water breaks and it takes a very long time for the baby to crown so Heather wanted to call an ambulance but Rose wouldn't let her. After longer time the shoulders edge out followed by the rest. Rose wants skin to skin immediately and Heather does so. Baby called Ayla which means, the moons halo of light. As she was born on the night of a full moon at 12.03am


A mafia's wife was kidnapped when she was 8 months old and her labor pains started at the place where she was kidnapped, but the men's problem is not the woman, they treat her well. The man comes and saves his wife and the birth begins.


Hi author I'm reading your birth stories they are amazing.... With very new content but can i request you to add a bit more romance and drama and conversation and scenarios.... Like real romance type stories plzzzz.... Plzzzz i would love to read it with every emotion and scenarios and romance and conversation and love making and birth details.... I would really appreciate it if you would consider it.... Thank you❤


Hi so I have another request because I really loved the last one
          There are 2 girls Aria and Kleo sold by their father to a breeding center. There are there hundrets pregnant girls . Aria is the first one to get pregnant with twins and she has an easy pregnancy and an easy long birth at 8 and a half months . She gives birth with the help of Kleo. Kleo gets pregnant 3 months  after Aria . She has a very bad pregnancy . She is dizzy all the time has sore boobs and she hates that she is constantly kicked by the babies . She is pregnant with triplets and has a huge belly because the babies are too big . She starts having contactions when she is a month overdue while she complains that she cant do this anymore and that she wants them out . She is laboring from 10 in the morning untill midnight when her water breaks. She tries to push her first baby out but she cant because it has a big head and she cant get it to crown after a while she finally gets it to crown but it gets stuck. She tries to push it out but she cant so Aria helps her by pulling . When the head is out the shouldiers get stuck but after alot of pushing and pulling the baby is out . Second baby is breach and gets really stuck at the beginning but then slides out smoothly. Third baby hasnt dropped to the birth canal yet and it takes another hour before it finally happens . The urge to push is stong and the head is out after a few pushes . The shouldiers get a little stuck but Aria pulls thm out and rest of the bavy follows. She is happy she is done and she hates that her babies are going to be taken from her and that she has to do this again soon ... 
          Kleo is 5 months pregnant when Aria gives birth and she is struggling to help her because of her big belly and continuous kicking 
          Aria helps Kleo from the start of the birth same with Kleo 
          Aria is a ball of sunsine and Kleo has a black cat personallity
          The girls there are really kind and helpfull too pregnant for drama 
          Thank youuu!!


can you please write this kind of a story like:
          the girl is alone, pregnant with 9, has three weeks before due date. but got kidnapped, taken to kidnappers home and the kidnapper is forcing him on herself. she tries to run away but kidnapper caught her, even beats her, kicks at her stomach even make her fall on her stomach and construction starts. but the kidnapper doesn't let her push instead doing sex with her. she wants to push but the kidnapper doesn't letting her. the births should not have too much time in between. you know all the messy wild things should be included.


@Aconitum009 I'm still struggling. I'm having a creative block right with this one. I'm super sorry. Let me know if you have any other ideas. I'm trying to accommodate, I swear.


@Aconitum009 I'm kinda revamping your idea. I'm working on it now, and will hopefully have it done by the end of the weekend. I really hope you like it.