
I want to thank all of my readers (especially my followers) for getting My Sugar Daddies to 9.2K reads! We can make it to 10K I believe in ya'll. Also, many apologies. I lost all of my notes for Their Mafia Queen, so I'm in the process of re-writing and editing all parts of Their Mafia Queen, so look out for that. Stay safe everyone. Much love, Kalani Mitsumine <3 <3


I want to thank all of my readers (especially my followers) for getting My Sugar Daddies to 9.2K reads! We can make it to 10K I believe in ya'll. Also, many apologies. I lost all of my notes for Their Mafia Queen, so I'm in the process of re-writing and editing all parts of Their Mafia Queen, so look out for that. Stay safe everyone. Much love, Kalani Mitsumine <3 <3


Happy New Year!! I can't believe we made it through 2021 together. It's been a long year, but a good one. See you soon! Also a reminder that I will try to update Their Mafia Queen every other weekend, because when I start back at school on January 11, I will be very busy. So I will try for Friday or Saturday updates. Also let me know, should I publish The Good Pimp first or The Prince and His Servant first? Please Let me know. I want to knowwwwwwwww!!!


I am going to start a (couple) new books. The first is The Good Pimp, which is a PJM fanfic. The second is The Price and his Servant, which is a boyxboy. Both of these stories contain (semi-intense) sexual scenes and mild abusive flashback scenes. They will be available to read after My Sugar Daddies is complete.