
The complete Famous Series is now available on all ebook sales platforms!!  I published the final book, Beyond Famous, on Dec. 12th.
          	Reading order:  1. Famous 2. More Than Famous 3. Beyond Famous.  FAMOUS (Book #1) is available here on Wattpad, and FREE on all platforms.
          	Happy reading!


@KahlenAymes Wow! Loving your book Famous all this time, hehe. So that it's very flirtatious enough to read it, so I hope I can definitely read and vote all the chapters.


The complete Famous Series is now available on all ebook sales platforms!!  I published the final book, Beyond Famous, on Dec. 12th.
          Reading order:  1. Famous 2. More Than Famous 3. Beyond Famous.  FAMOUS (Book #1) is available here on Wattpad, and FREE on all platforms.
          Happy reading!


@KahlenAymes Wow! Loving your book Famous all this time, hehe. So that it's very flirtatious enough to read it, so I hope I can definitely read and vote all the chapters.


hi kahlen......greeting from 1me....I am fan of ur books.....and much like about angel stories (3 books), i had read angel after dark, but another books can't find here....hope u could release new book like that stories .... 


@NdahNdie I have the After Dark series completed and it is for sale on Amazon, IBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, BAM and Smashwords.  I will post the remaining chapters from Angel After Dark (Book one in the series) on Watpad, but the other two books will only be available through the retail outlets.  I hope you will continue to read my books. xo


Will FAMOUS 2 be on Wattpad, or will we have to buy it from Amazon, etc?


@Blurring_The_Stars  My publisher advised me to put the first book up on Wattpad as part of a promotion with one of my distributors, but unfortunately, More Than Famous or Beyond Famous will not be loaded to Wattpad.  This is my job and I can't give every book away for free.  I hope you understand.  (The second book is available at only $3.99 for release on all eBook retailers.)


when is the book releasing the famous part 2


@SakshiShah1 It releases today. It's live on iBooks, BN and Kobo. Amazon is a little slow, but it's today. :)


Your book famous is absolutely amazing!!! cant wait for the second part to come out in 20 days!!! any chances for an early release??


@SakshiShah1 The third book has been released now. :)


            Thank you.  I'm just finishing the book. It releases on August 31, but if you've pre-order on iBooks, you'll get it on the 30th!