
Merry Christmas everyone!


@SSJ_Warrior I'll be honest, I'm don't fully support Sucide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Cause the arkham series will never be the same anymore cause Kevin Conroy isn't here anymore. No scratch that, the arkham series ended with Kevin Conroy. But I'll still want to play it.


I saw the leaks for the upcoming Suicide Squad game, and I won’t say what happens but…
          I hope this game fails…


@Tony314 They're ruining Arkham Batman and Kevin Conroy's legacy 


@KadenR24 just saw the leaks and I'll say, this game is destined to fail. 


@ArticTurbo everyone knows he's in it


Two announcements:
          All the drafts for Male Reader Joker 3: Harley Quinn is now completed! Starting this Sunday will be weekly chapters from that book!
          Scarlet Nexus(Kasane Randall X Male Reader) is no longer on hold.


Hey guys…
          Been a while I know. Don’t wanna sound like a broken record, but life is keeping me away from writing and I just don’t have the time I used to.
          But time for my first announcement in 2 months:
          Despite all of the books not on hold, I have been focusing on one book whenever I could to make publishing faster, and that would be Male Reader Joker 3: Harley Quinn.
          Male Reader Joker 3: Harley Quinn won’t be a long book, it’ll only be 9 chapters(11 chapters if you count the prologue and the epilogue).
          Chapters 1-5 are already complete. I will be working on chapters 6-9 and the epilogue whenever I get the chance.
          I’ll let you all know whenever the story is completed and ready to be published weakly.
          See ya later!


Bruh, minor spelling mistake