


so um guys i just did something big....
          basically i confessed to my crush with a huge ass paragraph that describes why i like him and if he would be willing to date me. and what did he say? he said " i have to go to bed i'll tell you tmr i swear"... AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO AGH im not gonna be able to sleep tonight guys TT this is the actual first time that ive actually liked someone frl in my life and now i have to wait until maybe not even tmr but frver. plus hes changing schools next school year TT :') welp imma suffer now byeeeee


@Kacchansimp45 Don’t worry! That will def happen and I am going to be with you along the way so you won’t feel alone^^


guys i need your help asap i need to finish a slam poem assignment like in a few days and i have a few words but im stuck TT ok imma give you the few words that i did and you can give me some ideas on how to continue it plsssss ok here
          Roses are red, violets are blue 
          If we think about it, they are still flowers too 
          No matter the color, shape or size they are all the same 
          This can go for all humans too
          AND THATS IT i dont have any more ideas >:


            Roses are red, violets are blue
            If we think about it, they are still flowers too
            No matter the color, shape or size
            They are still pretty nice.
            Whatever it is, they are one and the same
            Just a different type and name
            This goes for us humans too
            We have different names but we are the same too
            Not the best but it is the first thing that came into my head…TT


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well im fucked :)))))


guys help. this girl at my school started a rumor that me and my friend --who is pan and non-binary- Are dating ToT Everyone keeps asking me and i keep saying no but they don't believe me! T-T And the fact that im not even their type AND they already have a crush on someone else like tf


@Kacchansimp45 I hate rumors for this reason…TT


@Kacchansimp45 oh god that absolutely sucks…TT


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wtf im actually so confused help. Few months ago i said i was aroace right? ya i said that now im seriously questioning whether im straight, aro, bi or lesbian ToT IM HAVING SEXUAL CRISIS RIGHT NOW!! shit i even said i wanted to come out. This is what happens when you try to 'fit in' with your age group and society to be seen as "normal" or "cool" ig :c life sucks


@kiwifriut aww thx same for you ^^ <3


            honestly i did that too, im still not really sure even now. just know this stuff takes time and sometimes it doesnt ever find a spot and settle, but no matter what is going on you will always have my full support in whoever or whatever you are or will be.


Omg im so scared to come out to my mom. Each time i want to the words get stuck in my throat and it doesnt come out at all. Its so frustrating ahhhh can someone tell me - if you already came out (or is in the lgbtq+ community)- How you had the strength or courage to do it. Like i dont want her to hate me and on top of that shes half religious so ya... Can someone help me please


@Kacchansimp45 I hope everything goes well for you ✨