
Now I am having great trouble linking my Instagram to this. Could anyone help me out a bit? Sorry I'm not great with these fangled computer thingymabobsXD.


Hello peoples of Wattpad! Sorry I have not been very active recently and I will be on and off for the next little while. However I have finally fixed my Instagram if you would like to follow it. I'll leave a link in my bio or you can search it up at k.quilligan. Also I am currently searching for publishers for my poetry book as I have scrounged 35 poems from the depths of my piles of paper. I have not written anything new recently but when I do I shall upload it immediately!


Hiya gurl! 
          It's been so long! How are you? Xx


And the same goes for you if you ever want to have a chat!:)


Aw I'm so sorry to hear that. If you need anyone to talk to or anything I here for you. Lotsoflovexx


@AMG297  hey. Sorry again I ahve been kinda inactive. I'm not great how are you? I need to upload again…


Hello! I am sorry that I have been absent from Wattpad for the last while. I wasn't able to get on as much as I would have liked. However I am back now and I shall be updating my poetry frequently! Hope you all enjoy the new poems as much as the old:)


Hi there :3
          Are you still wandering among the living?
          I don't really know you that much but I kind of miss you :)


@MoonlightSuNflowers Jay :D  I hope you're better now :3 I'm currently editing the whole book because I felt like there were a few logic holes and mistakes...
            I've not been that well either but I'm getting better :) glad you're back ^^


@MoonlightSuNflowers  Still wandering among the living which is good. I am so sorry I haven't been active. I was sick and in hospital for a few months so I wasn't able to get on here except for short periods of time. I am about to read your book and I am so excited! How have you been? I missed you and Wattpad too


I recently took down my short story collections as I can't commit to them like I used to because I am writing a novel at the moment. I'll continue adding poetry irregularly however my short stories require serious work and editing I can't give at the moment. I'll put them back up again as soon as I can:)


I am planning to get a novel I am working on published soon and I have entered a few poems in competitions but nothing much. How have you been? Sorry I am not replying until now I have been very inactive


@KQuilligan are you planning to get the story published?