

          - based on the song by portishead
          [lab au, cow hybrid! George, sapnotfound, nsfw]
          How on earth had he convinced himself to this? Sitting back in a chair sipping on sugar water, covered in wires and pressed with tiny needles, almost shivering them out of himself. Skin sheening almost silver under pure white light that burned into heterochromatic eyes, he was already beginning to regret signing up. If he wasn't here, he'd be back at work. Maybe someone would drive up to the widow and ask him to make something nice and easy. Maybe a cute song would come on the radio and make his heart flutter. He wouldn't be paying someone else to take care of his rabbits with money he could barely scrape together. That was the crux of it. That's how he'd convinced himself to do this. Because God, did he need that money.
          At ten in the morning, he'd walked in, getting his checkups, making sure everything was in order. The doctors had gazed and fawned over the clipboards. That was the first thing that put him on edge. Why was he so on edge? It was so stupid. That was what he said to himself. His anxiety was rewriting science itself, he said, which was stupid as anything. These doctors knew what they were doing. He was definitely not the first person they'd tested all this on, and they knew what was going to happen. When he heard them talking, he heard them discussing genetic ideologies that he couldn't even begin to understand, but the vibe was the same. It was exactly what it always was. Doctors took a look at the conditions that his body built itself within, the heterochromic eyes of completely opposing alleles, the rarest form of colour blindness going, hypermobility in his joints and the unnatural stretchiness of his skin. He'd been asked about it since birth. Back in school, he used to read it out like a menu of why people should be his friend. He always wondered why people didn't like him all that much. 


            "Are /you/ okay with it? You look like you're about to pass out." he leaned in close, absurdly large tits swinging under the opened fabric, their thick milk spilling down over onto his stomach, onto his similarly swollen thighs. "You sure you don't need something to drink?" he whispered, right under his ear, tongue grazing the tendons there with the soft warmth of each shallow, humid breath. Though he was trying to keep the illusion of calmness, he was so close to breaking. Everything felt so much more sensitive, and the touches on his thighs, his back, each one drew subtle groans like the creaking of a door from his needy throat. "It's funny how you think you're the one with the power here, darling. When I'm the one making you quake in your professionalism, I'm the one making you feel like you're alight from the inside out..." 
            Without warning, he pushed his tongue all the way in between his lips. As it worked back to dance with the other's, he pressed their hips together, hands working at his shirt, even as he pushed him back into the chair by the door with the sheer force of his thighs pushing against him. They fell back together. Their kisses messied, and they were both drenched in seconds, milk leaking with every tiny movement. Still letting his hips and tongue work for him, he reached up behind himself and let the shift fall off, putting his hands back to use working to open the other shirt through their tremors. 


            "N-no it's not that it isn't meant to happen! Just.. Rapid progression." Sap smiled gently for reassurance, but he couldn't help but feel a small pit of guilt at the bottom of his abdomen. 
            He blinked in surprise at the others suggestion, eyes widening slowly and face blooming a soft red, skin warming quickly. He glanced off to the side shyly. It may not be professional, but he certainly would get information from it that he'd probably never get to again.. Was it worth his job? In numerous ways both yes and no, but the yes outweighed the no heavily.
            Gently, he took a step closer and brushed a gloved hand up his thigh. He leaned down to the others ear, softly blowing on it before murmuring, "I think I'll do that physical now, then." Sap grazed his lips across the thin, furred skin and pressed his hips closer all the while slipping his hand up the others back and tugging at one of the strings, letting the ruined gown fall loose on the other. It still hung on his shoulders, but the back opened and hopefully caused some relief.
            Sapnaps hand brushed up his back, then to his waist and finally back to his thigh where he rubbed his thumb over the gown gently. "Just relax and I can make this quick. Unless, of course, you'd prefer I draw this out." Funny enough, he'd always been one to stress to never have relations with your patients, no matter what, but here he was.
            Sap tossed the clipboard onto the chair in the corner of the room, lips gently pressing against the others cheek before brushing to the corner of his lips. 
            He squeezed the others thigh and rubbed circles into it before murmuring, "Are you sure I should do this to you? I mean, I- Are you okay with this...?" Sap faltered, body freezing as he pulled back slightly, eyes cast off to the side.


            "So this isn't meant to happen. Great. Fantastic." Talking was getting difficult, and he couldn't figure out whether it was the physical strain on his entire body from the new weight, or if it was the cloud coming across his brain. "You can... You can run your tests. I'd rather you do it than anyone else." It would be true, even if he didn't have his ulterior motives. Unfortunately, he did. This was so new. So strange. But if he said he hadn't at least /thought/ about all this before? He'd kill to let him have him then and there, let him tear him apart in any way he pleased. But he'd never do that. There was a professionalism to this. Fantasy couldn't break that, no matter how hot the doctors were. Yet with every passing second, the plausibility of tampering with the test, of acting as if he had been utterly robbed of all autonomy... It started looking pretty good. After all, if the doctor was truly here to help him, surely he wouldn't mind.
            Zoning out had let a silent ribbon of saliva leave sheen down his chin. His wet lips lay open, unable to close, his eyes almost falling to shutters under the weight of themselves. A realisation cut through the cloud - he wouldn't be faking if he asked. Every second relieved him of reasoning, until it was entirely normal in his head. All intelligence, all resolve, it was all there. His morals had simply gone to tatters, and so he sat there, rotting in his chair as every twitch tore small holes in the gown, and leaned in to the doctor's touch, with hums of satisfaction. "You can touch me. You can /always touch me." he smiled. The other questions made him laugh with their absurdity. He licked his lips, trailing off. "I'm not feeling all that different, mentally." he shook his head, groaning with the bounce of his tits as the fabric tore further between them. "I think that last part might be your department... /sir/." 


          - based on the song by teleman
          [dreamnap, cyberpunk au, pwp, nsfw]
          The rain spiralled onto him while he stood out there in the cold. Lit halcyon by haloed halogens, he waited, rocking back and forth on the heels of his ancient converse. They'd worn until the soles were fettered clean from their bottoms, and he'd had to stick them back on. Black jeans on lean legs under a patched up green trenchcoat, moisture dripping from the eaves of his hood as he looked right into his doorbell camera, arms cradling a small, sleek box wrapped in paper. White blonde, with those mint green eyes foxlike and ringed with long, surprisingly dark lashes, he gazed in. He couldn't have been anyone else. Nobody else was invited. 
          "Hi. Thanks for finally penning opening the door into your busy, busy schedule." he joked, waltzing into his surprisingly empty house, ruffling the shorter's hair with one of his hands, long, spindly things that seemed almost to be made of clockwork. "Happy 21st, Pandaboy. Go on, open it up." he handed him the soaked wrapping. Light. Just a square box. Dream's eyes betrayed a hyperactive excitement, one that darted in and out of his bright eyes. Glancing around, his face fell a bit. "Your girlfriend out? On your /birthday/? I... I know you guys have been fighting but that just seems kinda..." he shrank back, squinting. "Sorry I won't - well... Open it! Go on." 


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            "S-shit.. I thought it was some.. Joke guys couldn't find this shit- oh god. Is this what this feels like?" Sap whimpered, one of his previously dangerous clawed hands coming to grip the silk beside his head. Lips pursed, eyes screwed shut. Gentle drops of sweat adorned cherry-flushed skin, dripping down the light fat of his stomach and sides, more on his shoulders and neck. How was he so hot already? Blushing profusely, so riled up?


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            The gentle rustling of wind brushing through graas echoed in his mind, ringing throughout his ears as he laid back slowly. Gentle, cold droplets scattered on his skin, a sheen of cold dampness stuck to the back of his thighs. The darker haired male let out a foreign noise, breathing in sharply through his nose and tilting his head back.
            "I-.. I have. I.. I'm not sure.. Soft, maybe. Burning, probably? Like, a sort," He swallowed thickly, a soft click of his tongue unlatching from the roof of his mouth and lips parting sounding. "of stretching burn. Good.. I want.. it to feel good, though." Sapnap breathed out finally, soft eyes flittering closed. The longer eyelashes brushed against his arm a bit quicker now as he lay an arm over his face. His fist clenched, long hair splayed upon the grass of the field.
            "Oh, shit-" Sapnap hissed through his teeth as the others thumb brushed against him, a spark of something causing his toes to turn and a foot to kick out, back arching. "Holy shit, don't stop-" He breathed. Despite it being so new, like lava running through his veins in his legs and making his toes curl, hips buck up, he ached for more. The brunet seemed - thankfully - as expectant for a reaction (Sap couldnt tell if he appreciated it or not) and he was amazed when Dream followed his hips. Finally, after a second, his hips fell to lay back upon silk, long nails digging into the cold of his thighs and pulling them up higher. He parted his legs just a tad more, a pathetic whimper of approval following as he slowly adjusted to the new feeling. 


And he knew he would speak until he couldn't find words in his throat, until all that could settle on his tongue were names and simple vowels. Strings of his underwear rolled down his thighs to his calves, to his ankles to the grass, and he was laying on silk, with Dream atop thighs so vast they were like rolling hills of their own. Between them the valley, all carnal and carmine and dripping pure cherry red like a fire hazard. His eyes closed light against his neck, lashes brushing skin as he drew closer, one hand for a long, thin finger painting shapes along the walls as it tested his waters, the other gently finding circles in the nerves around it. Pressed up against him, he looked up, as though asking for his approval to continue. "I promise I won't disappoint you. I do." 


          Feel free to drop starters!
          Muses: Lit. RP, KarlNap, Late nights, Meeting up


@IhavenoidealolhAhA @cdreamss @Honk-isms 


quacknap meetin up :D


          - based on the song by the turtles
          [horror au, sapity, pwp nsfw, harsh angst, cw for heavy gore, body dysmorphia and injury]
          It would be brighter back in LA, he knew. Happier, brighter, warmer. He'd be able to go to his own house, ghost through the familiar spaces and stare out onto the still swirling surface of the infinity pool set into the roof of the second bedroom with a drink strong enough to burn his throat and shoot his feelings dead. Back home he was what he was. Another failed actor brought to his knees by the very people who'd promised to lift him up. Another pretty face sliced to pieces of his own volition. Another broken man hiding from the tabloid cash cow. Hiding. It was the only reason he'd gone to Texas in the first place, spiriting himself around Austin in a lightly tipsy haze. He'd joked with some old locals in a bar that it was truly the only decent way to experience it. The cold nipped at his eye, poured salty tears into the top of his mask. Thank god for masks. It wasn't like he needed them to disguise himself, but it helped when he didn't quite feel like drunkenly rearranging his anonymously unrecognisable mess of a face in a cracked hotel mirror.
          Stepping in from the cold, he pulled his hood down off of his salt and pepper hair. All but a black cloak, his slender fingers laden down with expensively engraved silver rings. All 5 of the rings on his ring finger were exactly what they claimed to be. Engagement rings. And he wasn't even old enough to legally drink at the bar. They never did check. Maybe he just seemed that jaded. Maybe it was the white and grey streaked softly through his shoulder length mop of straggly hair. Easing up onto a chair, he glanced over at the young man beside him.
          "I'm not old enough to be here." he noted. He suspected the other was quite the same. 


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            Sapnap was adorned with a black leather jacket and a midnight toned turtle neck, the dog chains around his neck jingling softly as he turned to see the other male. He quirked an eyebrow, a black and chipped polished nail retreating from beneath the worn threads of his rippped black jeans. He pursed his lips before resting his head on his hand, dark brown eyes roaming over the other. Eyeliner was smuged under his tear line, snake bites sharp and poking his hand lightly. Worn vans squeaked against the metal of the stool he sat on, fake silver rings clicking against it as he adjusted to face the other. "Neither am I."
            "So.. What brings you here then? I'm not here often but I don't think I've seen you." Sap inquired roughly, before bringing his hand up to gently scratch his neck just below his chin. He had a bit of stubble, which typically helped him play into looking a tad older than what he was, plus his fit figure from football helped. Curiosity piqued as he took in the other male, but a sense of hesitance held him back. His gut twisted in recognition of emotion — uncomfort. Something about this guy made him want to run, beat him up, something.
            His finger twitched at the feeling, but he did nothing more. "Quite an odd look you have going on there. You into horror shit?" He joked lightly, laughing airily at the end before he was finally handed his drink. Surprisingly, it was only rum and coke — nothing special. He took a sip of it, the plastic of his beaded bracelets rattling together when he moved his arm. He had long since taken his head off his hand, tiring from the way it had stretched his arm.


          - based on the song by DREAMERS
          [karlnap, dsmp based irl au, meetup, slowburn nsfw]
          The sun beat down on the street corner. He didn't know who he was looking for, didn't know the height, the style, the cut of him. Brown eyes, but would he see his eyes first? Built well could mean anything. He could be anyone. He could be anywhere. Could be the man with the black jacket across the street, the man taking a picture with the mural of the phoenix on the gable end of the museum. It didn't stress Karl out too much, of course. They were young, and they had their music on, leaning against the streetlamp in a purple nylon shell jacket striped with orange, deep green ripped skinny jeans. The purple was fading from the tips of their platinum blonde curled mullet, though it didn't matter much. It was still noticeable in its silvery sheen. Besides, he'd sent Sapnap the picture of the back of his head when it was fresh, and he had almost died.
          Hanging from his hand, an iced green tea, lemongrass and stevia, clustered with heart shaped cubes of ice. The cashier had written their name with a heart, and so he'd felt the need to take a picture. He knew he'd have a good photo collection even just to post from the day. Purple heart shaped glasses across a freckled nose, the pout of a sparkling deep pink lip tint, the hoops of two purple earrings catching the light as he turned around to a tap on his shoulder, and was met with the face of a man slightly shorter than him. And there was his code. A click of the tongue and his finger guns, then that good old tumblr code. With a smile, they took out their earphones, clicking them into a messily painted case, heart fluttering already with nerves.
          "Thanks, I stole them from the president!" 


            He didn't say anything for a while, staring almost through him. It was still a bad idea. He was doing it anyway. He did what he had to do on cue, his fingers squeezing when they interlocked their hands palm to palm like they were about to dance in a chequered floor bathroom. When the other pulled back, he did too, and without the pressing command of him, he stood without order, like an extra who'd run out of lines to say, drooping in his frame like a marionette whose puppeteer had fallen asleep against the wall of the theatre. The only thing that restarted his cotton heart was his threat of falseness. That was a rumor he couldn't stand for.
            "I do like you." he blurted out. It faded into silence, and he let the other catch him by the chin, offering a smile. High school was coming back to haunt him, like a standardised test for two huge ring binders and a 40 page thesis gathering glitched out dust in a utilities folder. He let out a laugh, soft and accidental as a kitten falling into a duck down pillow, and felt the need to explain himself as his cheeks went red hot. "You... You... I don't know. Maybe... Forget it." he turned as he pulled away again, stepping for the door, already holding the door as he spoke.
            "I think that's the best idea. We can explore tomorrow." 


            Sapnap was confused, extremely confused. What did Karl call him? Why did he follow him? What was he doing? If he didn't like him, why was he kissing him?
            Sapnap had exhaled heavily before he was kissed, an ugly sniffle following. Then, as he had lips pressing to his, he gripped the others arms gently and staggered back, one foot holding his weight. His eyes were wide with surprise, lips barely managing to press back against the others before he had pulled away. 
            "K-karl, what-" He murmured softly, before his eyes relaxed and he understood. Sap glanced away, intertwining his fingers with the others. "I.. I really, really do like you, Karl. But please don't kiss me if you don't like me back." His voice was gentle, laced with the thinnest tone of annoyance as he misinterpreted the kiss for that of one of pity.
            "I love you, so much." Sap sighed, turning back and glancing at Karls eyes, before closing his own and leaning up lightly. His hand gently brushed Karls jaw, resting there as he kissed the others soft lips. They were so soft, so gentle, just like him. Hesitant and scared to press back, and yet Sapnaps were rough and calculated, though inexperienced. Another tear slipped down his cheek as he kissed them, eyebrows furrowing together.
            As he pulled back for the final time, he smiled softly. "Why.. Why dont we just.. Get back to your place and relax? Take our food and just.. go.." He mumbled, frown etching to sew his smile down.


Hands by their sides, violet eyes reflected in the shadow of a table and the curve of a glass, unblinking and stinging with dry heat on the surface of a river. Mirage and a heat haze, lips all a-quiver with cupid's broken arrows, zephyr and the east wind bringing venus ashore with no flora. So the love lay on the table like a piece of butchered meat, and he stared like he hadn't spent the years of his life Sapnap had left to live studying how to deal with this sort of thing. He had it left to live. Maybe he could learn. Maybe he should've studied himself a little more. Standing up at last, he spent the next thirty seconds in a holding pattern. A washing machine broke in his head and spilled his dirty laundry across his brain, and all they could think under the mulch was that maybe they'd spent the last thirty years in a holding pattern, always on a go - around, just waiting to run out of fuel. Cracking like nitrogen between his bones, he got the bends walking to the bathroom, and stumbled in like the drunken night he'd never had, breath escaping him. Rushing with atrophy and sudden adrenaline, their finger twitched. They watched the tear fall. They walked. They did not think, or speak, or stop, or do anything but wait until he turned to look, and kissed his tremolo lips with a violin bow, an arrow pinning two hearts straight through the middle like a butterfly to a bullet board. "Please don't cry for me." he shook his head, eyes spiked with haze. "I'm really not worth it, маленькая мышка." 