Hey Lovies, 
          	Happy new year!! I am excited to announce that I am working on a new project and I will rewriting and post some of my old works. I know I have been MIA for a while. I've had a lot of family and work things going on over the past two years. I am hoping this year I can get back into writing. 
          	My new book is called One of Convenience. I am really excited to share this book with you. 


Hey Lovies, 
          Happy new year!! I am excited to announce that I am working on a new project and I will rewriting and post some of my old works. I know I have been MIA for a while. I've had a lot of family and work things going on over the past two years. I am hoping this year I can get back into writing. 
          My new book is called One of Convenience. I am really excited to share this book with you. 


Do you know what happened to the Tarzan book I have it saved as one of my favorites but it only shows that announcement about the second book 


@Kaydin7 I am unsure at this time. I have a lot going on in my life


Oh so when should we expect Tarzan to make a return


@Kaydin7 I've taken a lot of my books down due to me trying to rewrite them 


I am wanting to begin the Louis family series but I can't find the other  books. I only found the "oh professor" one. Can you tell me the order of the others so I can find them?


@MichelleSuicide69  the original version of Pregnant by my Teacher is back up 


Hello everyone, 
          I know it's  been a over a year since I've been active but with Covid and everything else in life I have extremely busy. I am trying to get back into the groove of writing. I actually have a few books that I have been working on and hopefully I can get them finished in a timely manner.  
          I am still working on the Louis family books. I have I believe two more books until the series is complete. These books have been a pleasure to write and I hope y'all enjoy them . 
           After I finish those books hopefully I can finish up all the other half finished books that I have started . I will do my best to be more active but I won't make any promises. I work a lot of long hours and I am moving in a few months. I will try and give y'all thea few chapters a month, hopefully at least one a week. 
          I hope all of you are doing well and stay safe out her in this crazy world.