
Sorry guys for being absent so long. I haven't had time to keep up on mlb, but I i still have the drafts to the third book written. I was kind of at a point in life where I didn't have time to write anything because of life and stuff.


When are you going to post the third book in the just my luck series 


@Romance_lover45 I'm so busy but if there are a lot of summer readers I'll try to get some up soon. I just haven't been able to keep up with the new episodes so it'll just be like the first seasons with an au twist of course.


Thanks for being patient ya'll. I have been working on a few other projects on my other account and have been thinking of setting a paetron account.
          Anywho,  I have Christmas a short fanfic that is mostly written. I also have the last book in the Just My Luck series partially written, but I haven't been very motivated to finish it.


My update this week is a little delayed. I'll get it posted soon this week. Happy Passover/Easter/ or Spring festivities! :)
          I'm also continuing on my outline for book 3, but I'm still a few weeks out before I can publish that one. Additionally, I am working on a few shorts that will be around 10k-20k words or less. 
          Thanks peeps!


I think I'm just about done with the edits on book 2 that I wanted to complete before I start book 3 for the Just my trilogy. 
          I'm still working on updating my other books, but I'm trying to get it all right before putting it back up. 