
I am reading Marie's Path for the fourth time, i really love your book. It's just so amazing!


@Anchen_14  Thank you so much! I'm the type of writer that's so critical of myself, that it really makes my day when someone let's me know that they enjoyed reading something I wrote. And you're on your fourth reread! That's awesome! You didn't just make my day, you've made my year! Thank you!


Your Marie's Path story is a great and new perspective on the governors series. I have always looked at Marie as the evil step-sister, so it took me a while to want to read your story, but I'm very glad I did! I loved the way you had portrayed Marie and she became very likable to me in this story. You are so talented and please keep updating. :)


@Ad3lina Thank you! I try. Marie surprised me too. I knew what I wanted from her, but wasn't sure I'd be able to hit the mark. I'm glad I kept at her, she's been fun. Thanks for giving Maries' Path a try.