
On a separate note, I have a diff story going on rn, about Tommy. Currently 11 parts but Tommy and reader are not yk, being all lovey dovey rn so there's still more I need to do :)


ALSO! I'm getting cought up in reading.....writers block...for 4 months I'm pretty sure. IM GENERALLY SO SORRY. IV BEEN TRYING TO WRITE BUT I LITERALLY CANT... Mandatory soccer started today so I'll be at practice for like 3 or 2 hours and on top of that I'll have school and homework too. So.. adding my anxiousness for this season and me just slipping in and out of depression this summer like iv announced im pretty dure in one of my recent books, umm yeah i have been clear for maybe 4 weeks, if ykyk. Iv been self isolating myself from not only you guys but my friends as well, iv lost followers on Twitter due to inactivity and its passing me off. If you're gonna follow me and like my content then keep following me I don't understand why you'd decide to follow and then unfollow with the only reason being inactivity. Anyways. So yes. Please do understand im trying, I really am. I'm not in the right mind set I have a headache rn and I hope you can all understand why iv just gone disappeared, reappeared and then disappeared. I'm sorry about that I truly am. Hopfully school starts soon so it can just end quicker. I start next week on Wednesday. So yeah. That's all :) love you my Hoodies (i love hoodies they are my fav clothing who else???)