
Sorry for the long overdue update BUT it's finally here! Happy reading!


heeey Ariella!! Will you be continuing 'Choose me' ?


@maferfaneite1 Yup! I actually just posted the newest chapter!


Will you be continuing 'Choose me' ??


@Jaii0king Thank you! That's a HUGE compliment to me. I just hope I can do this story justice until the very end.  I'm so scared of letting you all down. It's so much pressure since so many of you are attached to these characters.


@Jaii0king girl you crazy of course I'm still interested, this is one of the best books I've read on Wattpad. Can't wait for more of your updates. 


@Jaii0king Yes! I just posted the newest chapter! I understand if you're not interested in reading it anymore but if you are, it's there and has a new chapter. :)


Pls update choose me


@hevanny2020 I did! Sorry for the overdue update. A lot has happened in my personal life and I just needed to step back from my writing BUT I'm officially back and hope you'll take a chance on Rey and Dex again. But I completely understand if you're no longer interested in reading their story.


I made a slight change to Chapter 1 but don't fret, it's nothing major. I just added a location to the story, Seattle to be exact, because the story has gotten a lot longer and more detailed than I anticipated. 
          Originally I had no intention of making this a full-on novel but without me meaning to, it went from being a short story to a novel and is currently sitting at over 50,000 words and I'm still not done. Oops. lol
          It's almost over, I promise, and am really going to miss writing this story when it ends but am so grateful to all of you who have embarked on this journey with me and read my first paranormal romance. I know it's not perfect and has room for improvement but for now, I'm going to leave it as is and maybe someday I will expand it even more because I can't deny I love these characters and this story. But don't worry, that will not be happening anytime soon. I am trying to wrap up their story as fast as I can.
          ** One last thing, I just want to reassure you all that I have not forgotten about Reyna and Dex. They are still constantly on my mind but right now my heart is fully immersed in 'Cursed Fate' and I just need to get it all out before I go back to 'Choose Me.' I hope you can all understand that and promise to try to get back to Dex and Reyna ASAP!
          And with that note, thank you all for supporting me as much as you have! It means the world to me and I can't wait to share more of my writing with all of you. <3


Sinister Intentions got reported and was unfortunately taken down completely so I'm reposting it because unfortunately if it's reported and deleted, they can't restore it. 
          If you liked this story, I would really appreciate you voting again and helping me get it out there. Thank you for all the support in advance! I do appreciate it so much!