
so im about few hundred words off from a update on one of the older works so should be done by tomorrow itll be a birthday present from me, to you cuz you know my birthdays tomorrow so yeah hope you enjoy the update ill get around to the others for updates but im sorry if i havent updated the other ones yet, i kinda like to put a lot of effort into these older ones like i have to my more recent ones, so yeah sorry for taking so damn long XD love you guys love your lazyking josh


@JoshTheLazyKing I look forward to it and happy birthday man 


so im about few hundred words off from a update on one of the older works so should be done by tomorrow itll be a birthday present from me, to you cuz you know my birthdays tomorrow so yeah hope you enjoy the update ill get around to the others for updates but im sorry if i havent updated the other ones yet, i kinda like to put a lot of effort into these older ones like i have to my more recent ones, so yeah sorry for taking so damn long XD love you guys love your lazyking josh


@JoshTheLazyKing I look forward to it and happy birthday man 


PSA for anyone curious about my writing updates 
          Older stories will take me longer since I honestly thought anyone liked them so it will take me a bit to reread a lot of the chapters to remember how I was gonna push them, especially my first few ones since they me with experimenting with different types of ideas floating around so yeah it'll take some time to write updates for older ones but I will try to at least try to get 1 or 2 updates out soon but I'd say just tell me on a latest chapter I'm very forgetful plus I got father's day, cousins birthday Sunday, and my own coming up so might be busy but will try my best to push out updates tha k you everyone for your patience love yourlazyking


Hello everyone sorry for not really keeping you guys, girls, traps, femboys and the forbidden F word, up to date on the story progress I've been avoiding reallubg commenting since I don't really think much of anything when I'm writing but wow 619 followers that's insane idk why so many of you follow me but I am extremely grateful for each and everyone one of you for commenting, so due to high volume of me not really much ill just habe to say they if I really forget you comment about a story u want me to update plz comment under any of the stories latest chapters it would help me the most since I work 40 hours and when I get home it's pretty much sleep so I really only have 3 days not really a good excuse but yeah that's just gonna be how ima go with my stuff really didn't think anyone would read my stuff still shocked, but anyways, I'll try my best to update the other works best I can I'll have to read some of them over so I can get a update good and satisfactory so I don't hate working for a certain work, I appreciate all the support but, don't feel a need to follow me reading my works us good enough for me have a good night everyone love yourlazyking also futa is the forbidden word if anyone forgot 


@JoshTheLazyKing Please continue A fox and his mate and Lover of the wolf please


@rtomford71 currently in the draft for both atm still working out some of thr details but I'll he honest been playing a lot of the final shape for d2 so hopefully I'll have 1 update out for one of them plus I got  medical check up so might be late Monday or Tuesday ish latest prob would be close to my birthday who knows games got me hella distracted just surprised so many like those old works XD since I didn't think most liked them


I've forgotten how much I enjoyed your stories, ( I deleted Wattpad for awhile). hope you're doing alright and  enjoying your week


@JoshTheLazyKing thanks and it's good to hear your managing. Most days that's the best we can wish for 


@dredlordgaming I appreciate the kind words and I'm managing and you 2