
Hello. I’m just letting y’all know that I’m alive and planning on making more content soon. I’m sorry it’s been so long. I got really bummed out because I found out that my first story got taken down and it made me not want to right at all. Plus, I’ve been busy with other things. I want to thank you all for sticking with me for so long. I hope everyone is having a great day. 
          	PS, if you have any suggestions or healthy criticism, I’d love to hear them.


@JonesyMiller please make a next chapter on feederism diarys


@momojojo101 so I could only see some art but now it finally loaded and samuel is so cute with that bloated tum. Can't wait to see how big he gets.


Hello. I’m just letting y’all know that I’m alive and planning on making more content soon. I’m sorry it’s been so long. I got really bummed out because I found out that my first story got taken down and it made me not want to right at all. Plus, I’ve been busy with other things. I want to thank you all for sticking with me for so long. I hope everyone is having a great day. 
          PS, if you have any suggestions or healthy criticism, I’d love to hear them.


@JonesyMiller please make a next chapter on feederism diarys


@momojojo101 so I could only see some art but now it finally loaded and samuel is so cute with that bloated tum. Can't wait to see how big he gets.


Hi. Do you rp? I like your diaries book and I love the art. 


@greenflamelloyd I can’t imagine never role playing again but I want to get the ball rolling on my stories I start juggling more things.


@greenflamelloyd would you be willing to start rping again?  