
          	Hello all… It’s been a while. After hyping up High School Royale for months, I released then, uploaded for a month, then dipped. What the hell happened? School.
          	I thought I’d be able to balance uploads with studying for AP exams. I was super wrong. 
          	So… That took up all of the second half of April and the first half of May. Then as soon as AP exams ended, I had to start packing because I’m spending 8 weeks in my home country. And now I have online AP classes which take up several hours a day… So the conditions aren’t favorable for me to write, especially as I try to pump out my own educational website.
          	BUT, you can never back down and never give up, so I’m gonna try my hardest to get back into the rhythm of writing HS Royale. Although I cannot guarantee anything I will *try* to upload my first chapter back on July 1st.
          	I will try to keep my best to keep you guys updated. Well, the ones who are still here :). To you few who’ve stuck around all this time, I really appreciate it, it means a lot. In the off chance you’re new, I hope you do decide to stick around.
          	Thank you truly, for all the patience and understanding.
          	-  R.J.


          Hello all… It’s been a while. After hyping up High School Royale for months, I released then, uploaded for a month, then dipped. What the hell happened? School.
          I thought I’d be able to balance uploads with studying for AP exams. I was super wrong. 
          So… That took up all of the second half of April and the first half of May. Then as soon as AP exams ended, I had to start packing because I’m spending 8 weeks in my home country. And now I have online AP classes which take up several hours a day… So the conditions aren’t favorable for me to write, especially as I try to pump out my own educational website.
          BUT, you can never back down and never give up, so I’m gonna try my hardest to get back into the rhythm of writing HS Royale. Although I cannot guarantee anything I will *try* to upload my first chapter back on July 1st.
          I will try to keep my best to keep you guys updated. Well, the ones who are still here :). To you few who’ve stuck around all this time, I really appreciate it, it means a lot. In the off chance you’re new, I hope you do decide to stick around.
          Thank you truly, for all the patience and understanding.
          -  R.J.


Hey guys! To all my High School Royale fans, I just want to let you know that there’s a slight update to a few chapters.
          It’s inevitable when you release as chapters are ready that there’ll be slight oversights occasionally.
          IN CHAPTER 1, the full interface of the phone we’re never clarified. In Raymond’s POV, he now fully explores and describes every feature.
          IN CHAPTER 3, Jesse gets a message, which causes an audible alert. Messages are meant to cause a notification alert.
          IN CHAPTER 5/6, Jesse and Maria will now  A judicially embrace before and after lunch period. I don’t know how I forgot to include this.
          Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for these oversights.
          - R.J.


          Across the school, six students will battle for survival and discover the meaning of trust and betrayal.
          RAYMOND is the junior valedictorian, a loner who makes up for it with brains.
          SKYLAR is the most popular girl in school, who has tabs on almost everyone from her yearbook and newspaper class.
          JESSE is a star athlete on the varsity baseball team, looking to protect his friends.
          ALYSSA is a kind girl of many talents, a doctor-in-training and former cheer captain.
          GRACE sticks to herself and prioritizes survival, but has mastered the sport of archery.
          ROWAN is a freshman who struggles in school, having lived in his brother's shadow his whole life.
          These six people don't know much about each other at the start of the games, but will find their fates entwined in ways none of them will have expected. As the games go on, friendships will be forged and challenged, and loyalties will be tested. Out of the battlefields will come unbreakable bonds and resilient hope.
          The clock ticks down. The only way out is to play, and the only way to play is to fight.
          Join me in less than two weeks as the first 8 chapters release.
          Mark your calendars.
          April 1st, 2024, 11 a.m.


@Tom_ThepokeTrainer oh it sure will! Hope you’ll be there to see it :)


@Joker_107 That makes sense! Anyway! I hope the story goes off with a BANG!!!


@Tom_ThepokeTrainer I would say it’s more so Battle Royale than any of the other series


Hey guys. It's been a while, hasn't it? I have not been active on Wattpad nor revised TCC for the past few months. While this is not ideal, I have been dedicating all my time—when I'm not swamped with schoolwork—to my next project, as promised last year.
          And now, it's nearly ready.
          It would've been a normal Friday.
          Weekend plans. Chemistry tests. Relationship rumors. Choir drama.
          But, on that day, at 9:10 a.m., all 1,484 students of Stonewall Academy High School wake up on their homeroom desk.
          With almost zero memories of the morning before, there's two things in common about each of them: They each have a tight bracelet around their wrist and identical smartphones on their desks.
          With barely any time to process things, they're called down to the cafeteria, where the rules to a simple game are announced.
          1. In everyone's locker is an object which would be of greatest use to them.
          2. On everyone's phones are apps to help them.
          3. With whatever means, every student must kill each other.
          4. The last student remaining emerges victorious.


Hey everyone!
          Just letting you guys know that this week during revisions, I actually added a whole new chapter!
          37) Negotiations takes places after 36) Infiltration. It’s a bridge chapter that better ties together the Beach arc (which in my head has always been a bit rushed and lacked development). 
          If you’ve finished reading TCC, feel free to go back and check it out! If you’re currently reading it, Wattpad can have some sync issues because it was added so long after the rest of the chapters, so you might’ve skipped it. Just letting you guys know, so y’all don’t accidentally skip a chapter.
          Anyways, that’s all! Thank you!
          - R.J.


As you all know, I've been in the process of revising each of the TCC chapters. I've finally reached the Maindo Coup arc! (Chap 36-40) A lot of these chapters are missing some notable information and the pacing is quite off, so these chapters are going to be undergoing a LOT of revision, alongside two brand new chapters to better develop the characters.
          If you're curious, feel free to give them a reread and see if you can catch the new details :)


First chapter of The Cycle Continues: Untold Stands is out!
          Untold Stands will be a collection of bonus stories and other content relating to TCC, such as symbolism analysis, unshown games, tales from before and after the Borderlands, author reflections, and more!
          If you’re interested, make sure to give it a read and blow the first chapter out of the water! It’s about Zakū and Maeda’s friends and their misadventures on a day of their shift :) 


First day of school tomorrow :,)
          The way I already know I’m only going to get 3 hours of sleep


Yeah lol, in America usually we start school in August and end school around end of May/early June


@ Joker_107  Already the first day of school? I still have almost 1 month of holidays


25,000 reads!!!
          Thank you so much, this is crazy! Perfect timing too, as the final chapter is on the horizon, releasing tomorrow if all things go well! Consider it the ultimate gift as a thank you for your constant appreciation <3
          - R.J.


My recommendation is to read Wattpad on the mobile app because the interface is much much better—no ads, full screen text, and better formatting.


@RonakSharmaPatel Hey! Unfortunately Wattpad is currently the only site that TCC is available on, so I’m sorry. I’ve tried to look into publishing it on Ao3 as well but I have very little experience with the site and the UI is very daunting