
Hey, so going over chapter one I can't promise I will get chapter two out fast. But hopefully I will get chapter one out in a few days I want to make sure it's ready. 
          	Our New Life (So Many Things I Want to Say Part 2)


So hello everyone, I finally started writing So Many things I want to say part 2. I am so sorry I feel like I abandoned you all. But I literally had no idea where I wanted my story to go but literally tonight I re read some of the story and I am slowly getting another story in the works I hope I can get it published for you all soon. ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡


Hey everyone,
          I will return soon I promise I am wiping up an idea for Our New Life with Tessa and Hardin. As you can see I had my baby on June 24th so I have been pretty busy. But I am working on the next draft so I hope you guys stick around and get ready for what is to come for Tessa and Hardin. 
          Love you all. 
          P.S. Tell me about your summer, how is everyone doing? 


@JohnsWife__ you are welcome


@aahall2 thank you so much ❤️


@JohnsWife__ congratulations on the baby. Can't wait for your new story


this message may be offensive
So so so sorry I haven't been on, lots of shit had been going on. My baby is due in a month and I'm just so exhausted. After the baby is born and I get situated, the next part of So many things I want to say will be started.  I promise. 


How is it going


@aahall2 you are so welcome


@aahall2 thank you so much for all your support. ❤️


@aahall2 I am glad. I love your book.


The holiday took me away and I've been so busy just trying to keep everything in order haha I haven't even sat down in front of my computer for my college courses. It's been so crazy I will get this next chapter out as soon as possible! 


I will post my next chapter of So many things I want to say, tonight. I haven't had much time to work on the chapter so I will do my absolute best ❣️ that will be the last chapter for. While until I get the story plot down for their college adventure together. ❤️


@JohnsWife__ you are good. Take your time


@aahall2 I am running so far behind but the chapter is almost done. I am so sorry. 


Are you going to write more for so many things I want to say


 Glad you came across my story I hope you like my update I put up last night chapter 24, and Happy Thanksgiving have a great day. 


@JohnsWife__ that is so awesome. I am happy for you. Happy Thanksgiving


@aahall2 Oh, I am so happy you like it <3 It has taken me years to get back into writing, I have been writing since Freshman year in high school haha I stepped away after i graduated and gave up. But I came across After and Anna really gave me the jump i needed<3 I really wish she knew that.


I am so sorry I have not posted an update on So Many Things I Want to Say, I posted on Instagram @HessaHealer that My husband got a new job which is 3rd shift and I now went back to work which is also full-time early mornings 8-hour shifts. Come home to a toddler. I would like to let you all know yes I will be continuing my story. Just give me another week to catch up. I love you all.