
I've offered to send several readers email notifications when new chapters of Filthy Rich are posted to my Valent Chamber page, along with a link to the story.  If you're also interested in receiving update alerts, just send me an email from the account at which you'd like to be notified to 


Me too.  There is much to be revealed as the story progresses.  I just gotta get over this writing hump : /
          	  As always, your support is very much appreciated.  Your are a gem!
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@JoelleJax  I already get notification on the Chamber of your updates. You are selected  as one of my favorite authors, which  then provides me notification of your updates . I'm excited for the next LG&N update when ever it comes!
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Will you ever be updating The Boss’s Daughter on the Chamber? I’m telling you, I’d pay to get another chapter or two of that story. It’s so good! 


@_Musicaaa My schedule and the entire right side of my brain are a mess, but I'll see what I can do 
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SO...for some reason I can’t access Valent Chamber and I’m thinking it’s the site. If it is, is there anywhere you would post/repost Love, God, & Negotiations? Because I will not rest if I can’t find out how Brandon and Diya’s story end. AND I’m not willing to permanently part from Anthony or Eshan either. 


@JoelleJax any chance that you'll finish this story?  Just completed my 5th reread and I need to know how their story ends. 
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@StellaMarieAlexander Me either! Were you ever able to log on?
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I miss you!!!! Hope all is well! Always sending you positive vibes. 


@GGCerise Aw, thanks, chica! I miss you, too! Life's been busy but good. Please keep the positive vibes coming and know I'm sending you the same 
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Hi, really enjoyed the first chapter of Filthy Rich. Wondering if there's any updates coming soon on The Chamber.


@XPrincess_DarknessX Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, writing has become super hit and miss.  I'm hoping to eventually get back Filthy Rich, but would by lying if I said it'll be anytime soon.  I'm sorry.
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Hey I am trying to read some of your books on the valentchamber but they are saying it is for members only...... If I join does that mean I have to be writing and posting stories to be a member? 


@shemilia Not at all.  From what I understand, the primary purpose of membership is to offer members the ability to catalogue their favorites, receive automated alerts, and grant access to member only stories while allowing writers limited control over who can access their work.  You don't have to write or review, but both are very much appreciated.  
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Hello I really enjoyed consequences and I wanted re-read it but I couldn't find it. Please help


Hello!!!! Where would I download "the chamber " app? I couldn't find it on android?!? Thanks a million 


@roynesiab Hey roynesiab!  From what I understand, there's no app.  Just the website.  
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