
Can someone help me kill myself. I don't need motivation... I want to just die. So just tell me the ways! I have had enough! Im not gonna stay anymore! 


@Joonie_Jagiya2 you're right dear friend


@Jikook_minion I know how you feels but don't give up dear don't care what other say just care what you want to do with your life so you can achieve that goal.just don't give up.
          	  I'm also going through this hard time but I want to achieve what I want and show them what I can do better then them.so do what you want to do.
          	  And I really missed you dear.


@Jikook_minion omo unnie *hugs you* I MISSED YOU SO FREAKIGN MUCH YOU KNOW!! T-T PLEASE DON'T TRY TO DO ANYTHING BAD TT-TT there are people who care for you.. and maybe without you they would fall into darkness then would you be able to forgive yourself? You know even I am going through hard times and no body is beside me ... but yes there are people who care for me .. who care for you.. if you go away .. there would be nothing left for those people... it's ok to not be okay sometimes.. everybody has to go through these hard times in life maybe for sometime and others suffer for a long time.. I am not giving you any advice bcs advises  don't really work ... just remember you never walk alone..


Can someone help me kill myself. I don't need motivation... I want to just die. So just tell me the ways! I have had enough! Im not gonna stay anymore! 


@Joonie_Jagiya2 you're right dear friend


@Jikook_minion I know how you feels but don't give up dear don't care what other say just care what you want to do with your life so you can achieve that goal.just don't give up.
            I'm also going through this hard time but I want to achieve what I want and show them what I can do better then them.so do what you want to do.
            And I really missed you dear.


@Jikook_minion omo unnie *hugs you* I MISSED YOU SO FREAKIGN MUCH YOU KNOW!! T-T PLEASE DON'T TRY TO DO ANYTHING BAD TT-TT there are people who care for you.. and maybe without you they would fall into darkness then would you be able to forgive yourself? You know even I am going through hard times and no body is beside me ... but yes there are people who care for me .. who care for you.. if you go away .. there would be nothing left for those people... it's ok to not be okay sometimes.. everybody has to go through these hard times in life maybe for sometime and others suffer for a long time.. I am not giving you any advice bcs advises  don't really work ... just remember you never walk alone..


Today my forest is dark as always, the sky is not twinkling with the brightness of the stars, nor is the moon visible. It seems like even it doesn't want to see me and is avoiding me by hiding behind those dark clouds. I'm in darkness, alone, with broken wings and a broken heart! 
                                                       - Jikook_Minion


@Jikook_minion what's wrong unnieeee!!


this message may be offensive
Depression is when you don’t really care about anything. Anxiety is when you care too much about everything. And having both is just like hell.
          I had an anxiety attack again! I'm sick of this. Living a life struggling. I am too tired to fight back! I don't really wanna live. Please kill me god! Just kill me! I don't wanna live anymore. 


@Jikook_minion It didn't waste any minute


@Sexymalgas @Jikook_sereneuphoria @ASG_JK thank-you for penning these beautiful words by wasting your precious time for someone like me - T T 


@Jikook_minion Try finding something to fight for or something you enjoy. 
            When I was dealing with depression in 2018 I found BTS and they helped me find  a reason to live and enjoy my life.
            I'm not saying I don't have terribly horrible days but I get through them by watch BTS videos on YouTube or by listening to their music it always calms me down especially if I know the lyrics and the meaning and message of the song. My go to song is currently Whalien 52. 
            You are a fighter and I know you can surpass all of your hardships someday you just have to believe and keep living.
            ❤ Love you ❤


this message may be offensive
Wanted : A trained killer who can kill me!
          Someone please kill me! 


@Jikook_minion I could kill you but the only weapon I'll use is lots and lots and lots of love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡


@ASG_JK no, I just wanna get killed! I'm struggling :( I dont wanna live! 


            You're too good to be killed