
i am still here min'na san!!!


konbanwa min'na san, just want to announce that I will be publishing my Jormunhand fanfic soon and I hope that it will be better than my "Winged" rewrite


Hello, i am still alive, and still trying to  update as fast as i can. Currently right now, i am trying to edit and update my others stories so that i can put it on here. So i thank you all for at least being patient for the next chapter of "Winged to be out". Sayonara min'na san.


OK, so i just finished reading the manga of Soul eater and i am little peeved about most of the parts that was never mentioned in the show. Now that i think about it, the book makes more sense than the show. so, after the couple of chapters that i publish in Winged, i'm going to base the rest of it off the book. that's all. Sayonara min'na san


@JiffThePeanutbutter totally understandable fellow anime lover!!! hope you update soon!!!


I just want to say this now, nothing good will come out of this holiday. honestly what is the point of it? what is the point of celebrating love on this day? I'm not really saying this just because I'm single and stuff like that, but that there is really no point of this. if there are any other single potatoes out there that agree with me on this, feel free to say so and to say what you want about Valentine's day. that's all I wanted to say. Sayonara min'na san.


@JiffThePeanutbutter ano, r u ok there fellow anime lover?