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Hey, if any of you seeing this has a story that maybe isn't doing so good view or vote wise or maybe you have a story in mind that you think deserves more attention FEEL FREE to tell me what it is and I will give it a try ANY FANDOM AT ALL just tell me what it is and I'll give it a read. If you'd like my opinion on your writing or have any writers block you need to get over please talk to me about it and I'll try my best to help. I'll be as honest or as easy on it as you want. I would love to talk to you, bye bai


The progress of BEYOND is going great, the first chapter is posted if you wanna check it out. My health is still a little meh so i dont know if I'll have to stop writing or not so hopefully I can stay healthy and work hard on this and do good things that I like to do for you guys!!! Thank you for being patient, as always! ❤ LOVE YOU!! Mwah