
Happy new year to you all my dear readers       \(//∇//)\! I hope this year is filled with happiness, and good will! I hope you all have a beautiful day and rest of your year(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)! Please stay safe, healthy, and positive! I know sometimes life will bring you down and throw you around, but please, don’t let it get to you(`_´)ゞ! Stay strong and prove to everyone that your better and that life won’t put you down! (⌒▽⌒) 
          	Thank you so much for the amazing year and all these reads I got on my story “love at its purest”! I am very grateful and forever filled with a soft warm feeling whenever I think of all of this (≧∀≦) 
          	I am still updating my new story “the greatest detective: finding you” so please stay tuned and keep on the look out! 
          	Again thank you all very much and have a wonderful rest of your year 
          	Jena hart 
          	☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


Happy new year to you all my dear readers       \(//∇//)\! I hope this year is filled with happiness, and good will! I hope you all have a beautiful day and rest of your year(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)! Please stay safe, healthy, and positive! I know sometimes life will bring you down and throw you around, but please, don’t let it get to you(`_´)ゞ! Stay strong and prove to everyone that your better and that life won’t put you down! (⌒▽⌒) 
          Thank you so much for the amazing year and all these reads I got on my story “love at its purest”! I am very grateful and forever filled with a soft warm feeling whenever I think of all of this (≧∀≦) 
          I am still updating my new story “the greatest detective: finding you” so please stay tuned and keep on the look out! 
          Again thank you all very much and have a wonderful rest of your year 
          Jena hart 
          ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


HELLO MY DEAR AMAZING READERS. TIDAY IS THE DAY (๑╹ω╹๑ ) I’ve been waiting for this day for a whole month now, so I really really can’t help but burst with excitement ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪! Alright alright I need a moment to calm down *inhales deeply* okay I think we are fine now \(//∇//)\
          I’m incredibly nervous, but I hope you all like it! Now before I do publish this I just need to thank a few people
          Thank you to my sister, who always supports me and listens to my thoughts! Life wouldn’t be so great without you(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
          Thank you to mystic space nerd! You did draw my cover and I did put some pressure on you to finish it before my due date even though you were very very incredibly busy with school(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
          Thank you dear readers for being my source of inspiration and source of self encouragement when I was writing this story 
          And finally thank you author of haikyuu, furudate sensei, for making haikyuu and blessing my life with their lovely presence! m(_ _)m
          Alright alright! Let’s get this show on the road people
          Let the adventure begin 
          Jena hart


READERS!!!!!  This is the final count down day!!!! Tomorrow is the day, and I’m very very very nervous 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・. I’m just a bit scared of what everyone will think, so please be gentle on my fragile heart 
          So excited for tomorrow so please be prepared! Thank you all so much and wait till tomorrow 
          Jena hart
           ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


My beautiful readers, followers, and anyone who is willing to listen! I was planning on making a countdown for the launch of my new book! HURRAY FOR THE EFFORT I PUT TO MAKING THIS POSSIBLE! I was planning on making it a 3 day count down but I forgot ٩( ᐛ )و ! So it’s gonna be a 2 day one…..I guess….. anywho! The stat of the count down! 
          Two days left!!!!!!!! I can’t wait cause this book is gonna be awesome (≧∀≦)! PLEASE READDDDDD (⌒▽⌒)
          Jena Hart ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
          Sho excited!!!!!!! 


Hello everyone!!! I hope you are all healthy and happy (о´∀`о). I just wanted to say…..
          ARIGATO GUZAMASUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! m(_ _)m 
          I finally reached 1k reads on my story! Thank you so much  (≧∀≦). I feel so happy and so overwhelmed because that means that people actually like my story and read it so thank you
          I promise my new story will be twice as good as my first so wait for me till November 7, the set date I will be publishing my book ٩( 'ω' )و
          I honestly am working really really hard for this book. I’m perfecting it as much as possible, keeping the plot interesting, limited spelling mistakes, and I’m even going as far as letting @mysticspacenerd draw my book cover!  (Follow her on Instagram or Pinterest she’s amazing (ᵔᴥᵔ))
          Please await the amazing book. Thank you once more for the 1k readers 
          When I reach 2k, I will write a special chapter, so gambre gambre my lovelies~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
          See you soon ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ 


Hello everyone!!!! 
          I wanted to take some of your times and say a few things, so I hope u all listen (^◇^)
          First of all I wanna say happy birthday to Tsukishima Kei! Happy birthday tsukisorous. You salty Dino nuggets, that’s more like over seasoned French fries. ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
          U must be all wondering why would I wish him a happy birthday out of the blue. Well first I like kei kun a lot and I think his personality is very necessary.
          Second I wanna announce that I won’t be publishing my book for tsukishima this month. Why, you ask?
          We’ll senior year is sucking me dry. I barely get 5 hours of sleep, and I’m always doing hw 
          But I already wrote like 2 chapters, so we’ll see. I’m also making my sister spend some time to make me an original book cover, so that’s something (^。^)
          I really wished this was an announcement to launch my book, not set it back
          Well I will hopefully publish my book in the beginning of November, so please wait for me!! m(._.)m
          Thank you all, and I hope I didn’t take too much of your time(*^^*)
          Also thank you to all the people that read my story! I was so happy to see it suddenly jump from 500 to 900 reads in less than two weeks (*'▽'*)
          Thank you all ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


          Im sorry i took so long, but i am back, stronger than ever, and with more ideas then ever . New ideas, new books, and the ending of my story love at its purest! 
          Thank you for patiently waiting till i finally summed up all my horrible matters. For the exact details read my authors note in my story. 
          Anywho please wait till i publish once more! Thank you!


Hello readers! I'm still not back from the dead but boy is it good to steal your sisters phone to make an announcement. I wanted to wish my no.1 favorite husband, my dear explosion boi. Bakugo katsuki. My love happy birthday. If you were real you would probably tch or look away with little blush. I love you with all my heart you salty, angry, arrogant, amazing hero. You have made my life much better with your creation. Thank you and happy birthday my boku. :-O(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧* ╰✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧


Hello my dearest readers! I have been deprived of my life, and phone and i havent read a fan fic or updated in 2 weeks. 2WEEKS WHAT THE HELL. The embarrassing truth is........ my dad took my phone and hid it .....,so i cant update. Its so sad and im depressed, but ill pull through this. I know i can. I promise the minute i get it i will update. Please wait for me. Im using my sisters device to do this so im afraid shell catch me. Anywho tomorrow is kuroo senseis birthday and yamamoto akanes b day as well, so i wanted to wish them a happy birthday! Happy birthday dearest kuroo sensei. The fact that you died breaks me every day, and socity sucks for not excepting you. You are trueLy amazing. Akane chan, happy birthday baby girl. You are very supportive, a bit obsessive and scary, but beautiful Nevertheless.


Hello my lovely people. Thanks for reading my haikyuu fan fic. I appreciate the love(^◇^). Also happy birthday to my haikyuu persona sawamura asuna!!!!!! Thank you so much furudate senseu for giving haikyuu to this world. I cant imagine a life without them anymore (๑>◡<๑)