
Hey just wanted to ask y'all a question. What do y'all think of my book covers. I drew a few and others I created from pictures I found online. Let me know. Thank you


Hey just wanted to ask y'all a question. What do y'all think of my book covers. I drew a few and others I created from pictures I found online. Let me know. Thank you


Hi so I just finished writing the finally for blackout but I am going to hold off posting it until I get the rest of my pages edited by my friend @bloopblurp . As soon as everything has been edited I will post an update to let you all know and then I will post the finally and the epilogue together at the same time.
          I have seen that I have a few new readers and to them I just want to say thank you and I hope you are enjoying my books and I would love to get some feedback if you have any. I do just write for fun but if you feel like there is anything I can fix or that will help me let me know.
          Thank you and have a good day/night.


Hey sorry about not posting blackout for a while. I had a bit of writers block or well alot of writers block and didnt want to post another page until I got over it and I can now say that I have for the most part. So now that I will hopefully be posting more of it I want to get your feedback on it. Should I make more books like this? I also want to know if anyone has any theories on the book. I would love to hear them. Ok that's all for now. Goodnight :)