
i highkey forgot abt all of this lmao 
          	i see there are 48k reads with many people telling me to update
          	ig that means ill finish it out,,, there's probably only like a few chapters left so be ready 


thank you for reading !
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@Jazzifu just finished it and wow well done its amazing  
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I just read Psychotic and I was truly impressed. I usually don't read love stories but this one was totally different. So thank you for finishing the book I absolutely loved it.  


@ARocco666 omg tysm <3 im gladd people like read it and liked it,,, i started this thinking it was just for myself lol
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i highkey forgot abt all of this lmao 
          i see there are 48k reads with many people telling me to update
          ig that means ill finish it out,,, there's probably only like a few chapters left so be ready 


thank you for reading !
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@Jazzifu just finished it and wow well done its amazing  
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