
Hi, I hope you are well. I was wondering if you would be interested in reading one of my books called Prophecies and Lies. It is a werewolf novel. I am new to writing on wattpad, so it will mean alot to me if you can have a look at it.


Ok thank you, I hope you enjoy it


sure, I'll read start it in a few days. 


Hi Jasmine! Thank you so much for adding "Burning Gods & Wicked Angels" to your reading list. This doesn’t go unappreciated. Enjoy the rest of your read, if you've started it, and if you have yet to start, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day. — Denise x


Well the Mirror sites are at it again.  There are several Wattpad stories that have been promoted by a profile on Goodreads.  Please have a look on this profile for further information. I've already opened a ticket with Goodreads to lodge a complaint.  


As seen on: PenumbraMine 's Profile
          Remember Last fall when some thief stole a bunch of WP books and put them for sale on Amazon... It  has happened again. 
          Another #wattpad #booktheif has set up an #kindleunlimited #amazon  #plagiarism #indieauthors #WritingCommunity 
          Fake Author Name: Mohan Sha 
          Some are linked to the author page but most are not. 
          Blooming Iris 
          Wicked Game 
          Walking in Circles 
          My Best Friend's Werewolf 
          Spirit Whispers 
          Beatle Days and Winter Nights 
          Southern Saturday Nights
          Social Clique 
          Buried Deep
          Song of the Inferno
          Carrion Girl 1
          Cadaver Boy 2 
          Cute but Psycho
          The Masked Singer 
          Saving Marley 
          The Superhero's Handbook 1
          Saving the Hero 2
          The Couples Serie 1-5
          Be With Me 
          This wasn't supposed to happen 
          Artificial Theory 
          The Reject 
          2983 Rebirth 
          LA Classes  
          Learning to Scale
          Some Girl
          Honor among Friends 
          Well Dead 
          Black Roses 
          The Robber Knight's Secret, 3
          Wanted: Love of My Life 
          Saved By the Boss
          Heartbreak Warfare 
          Loving a Criminal 
          Into the Spotlight 
          Loving You
          That One Kiss 
          Sealed Lips 
          My Undercover Life 1
          Ultimate Tomboy
          When we crashed, (bad Boy Boxer 2)
          The Mating Season
          The Robber Knight, 1
          The Robber Knight's Love, 2
          My Coffee Life 
          Kidnap My Heart 
          The Crying Garden 1
          Ghost on the Mountain (crying garden 2)
          The Mist Mountain (crying garden 3)
          Sea of Fangs (sword and scale 1)
          Check for your stuff, my friends... This is the second time in six months.


@Sim-AntinI it’s so heartbreakingly unfair to the author, and to the readers who invest in the writer, characters and story.


            NOPE indeed! Writing novels is lonely slow and often tedious process... and readers and feedback make it less so. 
            But not at this cost, right? Not at this cost! It’s just too high. Sigh  


@Sim-AntinI it’s disgusting.  You pour your hearts and sounds into your work only to post allowing us to read and at times criticize...Now someone thinks that it’s alright to take that work and take all the credit??? Nope...


Very detailed parts of LTB were stolen and used in someone else's story and hers is doing so much better. The site refuses to take it down so I took my stories and left. 


@Hayleighwhite18 were they posted here or on another site???  You can apply to the site directly to have them take it down.  DM me and we can brainstorm next steps.