
So as of this year I've been writing for nearly 12 years, that's a long time and I've always posted online, always posted my stuff for free online. Well for the first time ever I have self published one of my books. It's available on amazon and it's not that I expect anyone to buy it, I needed to do it for me too, to say I've published one book in my life considering how long I've been writing. So if you're interested, buy my book? If not, that's okay...enjoy what's available on here in the meantime.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Marked-Jasmine-Derriman-ebook/dp/B07MKXYCLP/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1546364252&sr=1-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=jasmine+derriman&dpPl=1&dpID=41IymGI81sL&ref=plSrch


So as of this year I've been writing for nearly 12 years, that's a long time and I've always posted online, always posted my stuff for free online. Well for the first time ever I have self published one of my books. It's available on amazon and it's not that I expect anyone to buy it, I needed to do it for me too, to say I've published one book in my life considering how long I've been writing. So if you're interested, buy my book? If not, that's okay...enjoy what's available on here in the meantime.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Marked-Jasmine-Derriman-ebook/dp/B07MKXYCLP/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1546364252&sr=1-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=jasmine+derriman&dpPl=1&dpID=41IymGI81sL&ref=plSrch


Super annoying that I've come up with a better novel idea than the one I entered in the wattys. Anyway, going to finish the stuff I've got going and then post my new project soon. It's a bit more on the serious side, and a different concept...if anyone cares


I just wanted to say thank you for writing Complicated? That's an Understatement. I remember like 5 or 6 years ago when I came across it by a slightly different name on Quotev and I just never stopped being in love with it and followed your writing here. You're the reason I started using Wattpad and as a writer you inspire me, so thank you. I wish you every happiness for helping me through the most awkward time in my life. 


Hey omg thank you so much. Your comment couldn't be nicer and I honestly appreciate it so much, especially now as I've been struggling writing and I wasn't sure I was going to try write more but your comment reminded me why I love it. 
            So seriously thank you so much 


I know I haven't posted in a long time...but at the same time I feel like no one has noticed I haven't been posting.
          I've been writing in the background though, working on editing something I did finish but never planned to post here, and working on two other stories, which if I write enough, I will post here.
          I plan to finish my Harry Potter fanfic, or at least try, I lost motivation there, but it is only two chapters to finish it.
          I will most likely delete Teen Heroes and replace it with a new story
          All this won't happen until December because I do work a lot.
          I always want to be writing though and I do try but in the mean time, everyone seems to like my old stories, so there's always that.