
sorry for not posting lately everyone! I just lost inspiration for this story, plus I lost access to this account so I made a new one.  I finally got access again though and will work on this story to the best of my ability! I never expected so many people to like this story that much!


sorry for not posting lately everyone! I just lost inspiration for this story, plus I lost access to this account so I made a new one.  I finally got access again though and will work on this story to the best of my ability! I never expected so many people to like this story that much!


Please please please update I've waited forever I will cry


Yay you don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that 


@sasori7143 I finally have my inspiration back and I will be updating my story as soon as I possibly can! I promise and hope I will not disappoint!


To answer the question everyone has been asking, I'm in the middle of writing chapter five now.  The reason it normally takes so long for my updates on the chapters is because I always write the chapters out on paper before I type it so I can gave a pretty good idea of what I'm going to put in the chapter.  I'm also glad everyone is enjoying my story, so thanks for all the support you guys~! ^_^ <3