
          	As Luna wakes up, she rolls onto her side, and grabs her pillow, as Kyle sleeps next to her. With her looking at the moon through her bedroom window, she hugs her pillow tightly, and then rolls over towards him. Putting her toes up to his ankles and nudging him to get his attention, her dream comes back to her. With the chills running down her spine, her stomach turns, as the outline of a medium size man, crossing his arm appears at the end of the bed. As she stares at the image, she then sits up, and rubs her eyes to get a closer look. And with dissipating seconds later, she then climbs out of bed, and walks over to where the man was standing, and becomes dizzy.
          	With her standing there shaking off the feeling, she looks around the room, as Kyle opens his eyes. As he sits up, he looks at her, and asks, "Luna, what are you doing?" 
          	"I'm turning off the television," she says, as she feels for the shut off button on the television.
          	"You could have used the remote. It's right here. Come on! Come back to bed," he says, as he grabs the remote from under the pillow, and shuts off the television. 


          As Luna wakes up, she rolls onto her side, and grabs her pillow, as Kyle sleeps next to her. With her looking at the moon through her bedroom window, she hugs her pillow tightly, and then rolls over towards him. Putting her toes up to his ankles and nudging him to get his attention, her dream comes back to her. With the chills running down her spine, her stomach turns, as the outline of a medium size man, crossing his arm appears at the end of the bed. As she stares at the image, she then sits up, and rubs her eyes to get a closer look. And with dissipating seconds later, she then climbs out of bed, and walks over to where the man was standing, and becomes dizzy.
          With her standing there shaking off the feeling, she looks around the room, as Kyle opens his eyes. As he sits up, he looks at her, and asks, "Luna, what are you doing?" 
          "I'm turning off the television," she says, as she feels for the shut off button on the television.
          "You could have used the remote. It's right here. Come on! Come back to bed," he says, as he grabs the remote from under the pillow, and shuts off the television. 


          Dear Diary,
          As I wait to board a two seated plane, I look out of the empty airport terminal window, while a black headed bat with white feathers and protruding white fangs, is behind me. Flapping its wings, while it's suspended in the air, I see a bunch of people walk up to the window and begin to bang it. With it echoing throughout the terminal, they yell, "We refuse to move on!"
          "What? Why are you yelling that? I'm boarding the plane. I don't have time for this!" I yell back, as I walk over to my chair, and pick up my bag.
          As it then lands on my shoulder, while I walk on the terminal, the bat says, "They look like zombies."


          With Luna sitting in the chair, and her eyes being blindfolded, she opens her eyes, and sees nothing but darkness. Not even a silhouette or shadow of Laura and Victoria in the room. As she listens to them move around the room, she takes in deep breath, and senses the energy on her body moving all around, and with her focusing on her energy, she then closes her eyes, and waits for them to start the hypnosis.
          And with Laura standing 5 feet in front of Luna, she holds a large silver upright pentagram in both of her hands, and points it towards her, and says, "Luna! I want you to listen closely. You need you to relax your body for a few minutes. And then I'm going to tell you to raise your hands in the air and keep them there until I tell you to drop them. The pressure on your body will then be released when you do this. This will open your mind, and your 3rd eye. When this does happen tell me what you see!"


          With her closing the journal, and then putting it under the couch, Kyle then walks downstairs, and into the living room. As he plops on the couch, he then turns on the television, and says to Luna, "When are you leaving?"
          "I'm leaving now," she says, as she gets up, and walks into the kitchen. As she puts on her shoes and grabs the keys off the kitchen counter, she then yells, "Love you! I'll see you later."
          "Okay! Be safe. I'll see you later. Let me know what they say," he yells, as she walks out the door.
          As she drives into town, The Welcome to Salem, Mass, signs come into her view. And as she pulls into the Raven parking lot moments later, she sits in the car, and looks at the shop, and becomes excited. With her looking all around, she then gets out of the car, and walks into the store, and sees Victoria sitting at the table with her tarot cards. As she walks up to her, she flips a tarot card over, and reads it, and says, "Hey Luna. How are you? What brings you into town?"