

@Jae_Ja woahhh- that’s really good! :D


@Jae_Ja I'm definitely gonna be imagining that every time I think; I wonder how a dragon dances?"



@Jae_Ja woahhh- that’s really good! :D


@Jae_Ja I'm definitely gonna be imagining that every time I think; I wonder how a dragon dances?"


this message may be offensive
Guys, I have something important to discuss.... 
          Racism isn't fun. You heard me, it isn't. I'm a Chinese person living in America so I'm constantly being made fun of and bullied. So when it worsened in middle school, I lost it. I tried taking my own life but ultimately failed but due to my depression I went online so hopefully no one would know my real identity. Thanks to Wattpad, I made a ton of friends but at the same time, I made enemies. Also a ton of people make fun of both Chinese and h
          Japanese people asking "Hey do you know Japanese" or "Hey do you know Chinese" to opposite cultures. I get it, it's ridiculous I would throw a tantrum about a question but do you know what they do after asking? BURST OUT LAUGHING, LIKE, WHAT?? it's kinda rude to yell "ice cream" in Chinese at my face when you don't even know what the fuck it means. Anyways, no, not all Chinese people know Japanese and not all Japanese people know Chinese. We are two different unique cultures that just happens to be quite alike as in Kanji and Mandarin Chinese. 
          What I'm just trying to say is to please stop racism, it helps a ton of people out and it's nothing to make fun about. If you made it this far, thanks, I really appreciate it that you'll be able to hear me out. Even though those racist jokes seems funny to you, to the person being made fun of, it's just a stepping stone to end it all. I'm being dead serious. The best part about being Chinese in America though is you can speak anything and they won't understand lol. (I said "fuck yall bitches, you can suck my dick" in Chinese in front of my teacher and all she said was "what?") It's kinda funny. 
          Wow, I sure typed a lot, I hope you will understand better now racism isn't funny and should be dealt with immediately. Share this with people you know are going through a hard time and spread the word! Thank you for reading!




@ Jae_Ja  yes yes ofc n oop I changed a lot of my vocab so I don't expect you to know everything but you can tell me what confuses u n yes yes u r <3 foreign friends r the best jsjs awwe im grateful to have you too :] OFC! what can I say expect your welcomee~