
Hello everyone! 
          	Here comes the end of my ONC entry, How to forgive a cheater. So if some of you were waiting for it to be completed, here you go!
          	I took pleasure writing it for the last three months, and I enjoyed reading your comments. And during these three months we reached 4k reads, with 3k within the last two weeks!
          	Thank you all for the support ❤️
          	Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. Thank you for sharing this adventure with me. Hoping to see y'all on another story!


Hello everyone! 
          Here comes the end of my ONC entry, How to forgive a cheater. So if some of you were waiting for it to be completed, here you go!
          I took pleasure writing it for the last three months, and I enjoyed reading your comments. And during these three months we reached 4k reads, with 3k within the last two weeks!
          Thank you all for the support ❤️
          Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. Thank you for sharing this adventure with me. Hoping to see y'all on another story!


Hello dear wattpadians! I hope you're fine!
          And for my Muslim friends, Eid Mubarak!
          That being said, this is just an announcement to thank you all for your support. You're all amazing people, and even though I'm not a very engaging writer, I sincerely appreciate your support.
          Today, How to forgive a cheater reached 1k reads, after approximately 2 months. I know it's not that much when some people get millions of reads in that time, but to me it is ENORMOUS!
          When I started that story, I didn't think I'd go that far. Sure, one day it would reach the thousands of reads, yet I was not expecting that before years. But here I am.
          During these two months I reached the hundreds of followers. The story received an Ambassador pic's badge for the ONC, and now I reach the thousands of reads. I feel like I'm growing as a writer. And even though I may probably not become a famous author, I'm happy to know that some people enjoy my work.
          Again thank you all for your support, and let's look forward to new milestone and new stories.


@Nepdayaz those kinds of words can literally make my day, and it gives me motivation to keep writing. Thank you so much ❤️


@Jadiinvine I am one of them,enjoyed your work very much ,best wishes.



While some are already in 2024, others are counting hours to end 2024.
          In either case, I hope 2023 was a good year. I hope you were happy . I hope you realised beautiful things. I hope you met nice people. I hope you were healthy. I hope you read and wrote awesome stories.
          And I hope 2024 will be a thousand times better. I hope you'll be happy. I hope you'll realise beautiful things. I hope you'll meet nice people. I hope you'll be healthy. I hope you'll read and write awesome stories.
          Happy new year 2024


Pour certains, 2023 est déjà passé, pour d'autres comme moi, nous egernons les dernières heures de l'année.
          Quel que soit votre cas, j'espère que 2023 a été une bonne année. J'espère que vous avez été heureux. J'espère que vous avez pu réaliser de belles choses. J'espère que vous avez fait de belles rencontres (et j'espère en faire partie). J'espère que vous avez été en bonne santé. Sur Wattpad, j'espère que vous avez lu et/ou écrit de belles histoires.
          Alors que 2024 commencé, j'espère que ce sera pour vous une année cent, mille fois plus belle. J'espère que vous serez heureux. J'espère que vous pourrez réaliser de belles choses. J'espère que vous ferez de belles rencontres. J'espère que vous serez en bonne santé. Sur Wattpad, j'espère que vous lirez et/ou écrirez de belles histoires.
          Bonne et heureuse année 2024 à tous ce qui liront ceci!


@Jadiinvine ❤️❤️Bonne et heureuse année à toi aussi!!


Hello les Wattpadiens, j'espère que vous allez bien !
          Je viens de publier le premier chapitre d'une nouvelle histoire. C'est un recueil d'histoires très courtes - je me suis prise d'amour pour les histoires courtes dernièrèrement, que vous pouvez savourer en quelques minutes, pendant vos pauses par exemple. Chaque chapitre se lit en moins d'une minute, et décrit une situation différente. Je l'ai voulue assez légère, un peu marrante aussi, quoique pas toujours 
          J'espère qu'elles vous plairont! N'hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez, et si jamais vous vous retrouvez dans une des situations décrites, je serais ravie d'en savoir plus
          I just published "Amour Passion" of my story "Mille façons d'aimer". https://www.wattpad.com/1406560971?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Jadiinvine&wp_originator=ixGuPE9BlByRW6g%2FMDWVsPCDvzD7ktDtFmr5fica4Uera1Wk2A7su9zKmCiRFsHjF1rCZ49Jve8FNoe7uG3ph%2BX8oDD14y6AymQm1urhC%2FV2WiAXVHLjyLv9kah416Vt