
Author note at end of new chapter, please read!


Hey all, I have come to the decision that after I finish with book 3 on here, I will take it down 3 weeks after completion. Wattpad will only be for silly little projects, not actual books I am publishing. Therefore, book 4 will not come to be on here. But I hope you guys will follow my author journey and read it through Kindle/Amazon, where all my books will be. 


Hello lovelies! Just wanted to update you all on book 1. Paperback is now available! I'm so happy with the cover for it. It truly is awesome! 
          I hope some of you are still interested in reading it  <3 
          I'm gonna get my a$s into gear and start editing book 2 lol


What happened to the second one?


Oh okay I was just curious. 


@MafiasAngel1719 Once the first one is all done and dusted I will be working on the second. I want to publish all my books on Amazon, and I was worried that Wattpad would try to claim rights on my book if it got popular.  


Hello my lovely readers! 
          Just want to apologise for the late update for The Cowboy Who Drives Me Mad. I've been putting most of my time and energy into book 1 as it is being released this month! And I need to make sure I'm happy with the final read through.
          After I do some last editing, I will work on a 4 chapter update. 
          But I also wanted to make this post to let you know that this book is just a rough draft. I've been considering changing the first few chapters as I feel like it's too repetitive, as most of what you've read is in books 1 and 2, I'm thinking of moving the story forward in the beginning, which will then in turn move my entire book forward. 
          I'm not sure if wattpad will see the final version for book 3, but I will see how things play out. 
          For those of you who have read book 1, and plan on reading it again when it is out, I would really appreciate a review of your thoughts on it in Amazon! Reviews help boost the book! Hahah 
          Appreciate the patience from you guys! I hope you enjoy my books! :)


Preorder available! The Cowboy Who Called Dibs!
          Link is on my insta! @writerjacintalouise


@MafiasAngel1719 Aww thank you! Thank your for your support!


So excited to read it when the book drops!!!


Hey guys
          I've had to take down The Cowboy Who Called Dibs, due to getting serious about publishing. I don't want to get in trouble by wattpad by publishing elsewhere when it has always been my dream.
          It's going to take a while, but it'll be worth it. The story that I will publish, will still be the same, but slightly different due to 2nd and 3rd stages of editing. 
          I will update you all when it is published :)
          Again, sorry.


@MafiasAngel1719 hopefully soon! <3 if I can't get it published by a company I will be putting it up in Kindle in the meantime by myself x


When will it be published? I was looking forward to reading it again