
If anyone wants to do me a solid and read new story hatred of a killer I’m 3 parts in and wanna know if it’s entertaining, if anyone has free time. Thank you for your consideration : )


Hi there
          I just finished reading “THE 100 HIGH SCHOOL”.
          It should’ve had like way over a thousand reads. It was so AWESOME!!!. You are a great writer and it seems like you really put your heart in it. I’m so grateful for the happy ending.
          All the best life has to offer you.
          Okay, thank you, thank you and I’m heading over to check your other stories and see what I want to read next!!!


What up people


@alyciasgayraccoon Sure, I'll watch you go into a tornado only to see you get chucked around like a ragdoll :)


@ACThe100 well I have a pair of MAN BALLS so u can shut up and watch me go into the tornado


@ACThe100 which I would happily provide for the record — assuming I had some


Just checking in :)


@J_kum_Clexakru I love your books, and I know you will make more amazing books in the future. It's inevitable.


@Kaylee_Pederson awwww thank you so much genuinely!! I wish the exact same for you :)


I’m changing my name on here. I was gonna delete the full account but too many of y’all still read this stuff and that would be mean so I’m just gonna change my name because I am way too easy to find by real life friends. Anyway, to anyone still reading this stuff thanks I think and uh yeah…idk what else to say. I’ll check in later.


Awh that nice of u acc. I wanna read one of ur books rn


Guys…I’m not feeling confident about Warrior Nun anymore…


That was a good motivational speech ngl haha love it 


We have to keep our spirits up. The petition is at 110,000/150,000 signatures. About 1,000 people sign the petition every 1 to 2 days. Does it take sometime for a show to get uncancelled or picked up by another platform? Probably. Come on guys don’t give up hope!


Trying our very best not to lose hope but yeah, people are fighting in the fandom and everything… 


Vol 2 (rant):
          I’m genuinely very convinced warrior nun will be picked up by another streaming platform. I think the show offended a powerful group of people who happen to be religious (not that there’s anything wrong with being religious but I think I’m this instance that’s what happened) and that is the real reason Netflix cancelled the show. Streaming numbers and petitions show the series had plenty of love and viewers and it clearly had nothing to do with the show’s quality because Netflix is already working with Simon on other projects and critic’s reviews are all very high. I don’t even think it was a matter of killing off gay people things because we have finally reached the point where Netflix has several shows that are very popular and have good representation (though that doesn’t make up for the great ones cancelled for no reason don’t get me wrong) and I think the push to cancel this one is simply because it offended people’s religion. I know most catholic people I’ve talked to were unbothered so I do think it was just a group of very rich people who didn’t want a story like this making fun of their religion which is a shame because I also think (as someone who isn’t even catholic) they show beauty in religion as well. For this reason I don’t think Netflix will pick the show back up but Netflix loves money and if other streaming platforms bid on the show which I am very confident they will, if they can reach a good price I can see a season 3 revival on HBO max or Prime or something in the next 10-18 months or so.


@Jenny_kum_Clexakru all right then.. you will also receive a bill from my therapist which is my friend for getting my hopes up :)


@simpnation_queen I will also be crying with you if that’s happens don’t worry. 


Welcome to life updates no one asked for vol. 1:
          Bruh I’m legit sick with like 2 different things and also have another medical problem with my shoulder and istg if I wasn’t very young compared to all my coworkers and so good at my job I’d probably be fired cause I missed a mandatory training session and also about to miss 2 days and all they said is get better lmao. Sad part is I’ll be leaving in a few months to go to school out of state anyway but I hope I get back on my game soon.